Iron Man 2

oh fuck yes

Although pissed that Terrance Howard wont be playing war machine

The last 4 seconds of that sells it to me! I saw a leaked scene like a week ago, where they are going down the list of weapons on War Machine… awesome. Whos the villian?

No idea…

Link to this scene please?

Well “Whiplash” is the villain, thats an inventive name…

I looked for the leaked video, but the site I found it on, says it was removed because of copyrights… But its Cheatle, and some other guys in a bunker. The one guy is showing off a 9mm, then a shotgun of some sort, a rifle, then a minigun. He goes “so which one can we fit on it?” the MK2 suit, the silver one, soon to be War Machine is on the table. Cheatle replies “all of them” Then its a very dark background, hard to see much, but you can see a suit and its firing like 4 different directions. Probably the same scene at the end of the trailer.


heres som leaked footage from comic con… Only one I could find as all the better quality ones seem to be taken down.

Super excited for this movie. I <3 Ironman.

OMG I cant wait! I have never been so excited for a movie in my life. :shifty


Anything involving robots, mecha, mech suits, etc etc. I get excited about.

Iron Man 2 has been known for a long time.

I am not typically into that action hero crap but man that movie rocked.

well not shit.,…

but this is the first trailer relased “publicly”

It was released not “publicly” a long time ago…

I am sooo excited for this.

I am making Sean watch Ironman 1 tonight because he never saw it!:eek2

Yup gotta grab that on the way over

Can’t wait for this. Thanks for the post Shady.


Fuck it I’m going to stop everything car related here and start making mech warrior units! :lol

Hopefully they don’t gay it up.


I have said it before, and I will say it again; When the machines become self-aware I will be first in line to join them.

def cant wait!

Thanks for the info!