Iron Man 3 trailer released


Awesome, amazing series so far.

Cant wait!

I just watched, captin America, Thor, and the avengers. All awesome. I love how they’re all tied together. I would expect nothing less of Iron Man 3.

looks like The Mandarin

Iron Man and Transformers are my two most favorite movie series’. Freakin awesome.

Sweet, this doesnt look like the abortion that was Iron Man 2…

Love it when they get dark, make the hero seem defeated etc…

why the fuck is war machine “the iron patriot” makes no sense at all whatsoever

WM should be black, but this is just the trailer so there might be more to that.

My personally feeling is they are going to kill off Pepper in this story line, and going for a new female lead in 4.

the red white and blue suit is actually a villain from the comics called iron patriot and it was the same dude that was the green goblin Norman Osborne

seeing Paltrow in those heels as Pepper Potts is half the reason I watch the movies.

Yeah I’m a little confused at this as well? Typical hollywood shit to combine characters and dumb things down for general audience though :confused: Was really hoping for a good storyline for warmachine. ohwell…

Iron Man 3 looks to be the movie that ties together Captain America The Winter Soldier and Thor: The Dark World.

Captain America will be released first, and “The Winter Solder” refers to Bucky. So I think Iron Patriot in Iron Man 2 will be either Cap’ or Bucky (as a villain), depending on what happens in that movie.

From Wikipedia:

Rhodes’ armor will take on an American flag-inspired color scheme in the film, similar to the Iron Patriot armor from the comics.

(not exactly sure why they’ll go that route)

IIRC, Norman Osborne didn’t take the Iron Patriot role until after Captain America’s death, and with Normal Osborne as Iron Patriot there is a tie in with Loki (and Thor).

But what the hell do I know. who knows what path they’ll take for the movies.