Iron Man 3: It Sucked *Spoilers*

So I know many people in here are big movie buffs, I know a few are huge nerdy comic/superhero fans.

I am not a huge comic/superhero nerd, I love these movies and I try to educate myself as much as I need to; sometimes to understand whats going on or to get a little back story.

Now granted, with all things fictional its never to out of place tos ee something that just doesn’t seem possible this day an age ( you know like a set of body armor that has the computing power of a dozen IBM Watson computers and enough fire power to blast a hole in someones body)

The thing I loved about the re-incarnation of some of these re-makes though is that their believable. Even if that are a bit far fetched, they are not so out there that it just seems ridiculous.

The first Iron Man was just like that, it was a little out there; but there was nothing crazy that would make one believe is completely out of the real of possibility, it felt almost believable.

Iron man 2 completely fucked that up… thats all that will be said about this

Iron man 3 fucked this up as well.

First off the Manderin… HOLY FUCK GUYS… They fucked this up bad… I nearly wanted to say fuck this shit when I found out what the manderin really was and walk out.


These superhuman bombs?!! Come the fuck on… I totally could have believed cell regeneration; I totally could have believed it was unstable and killed people…

The fact that some people fucking explode and can vaporize others around them? None the less that the fucktards it works on can melt shit; breath fire etc… I was totally fucking gone at this point…

The movie lost its edge to be believable… it was to fucking out there

There more but thats just the general gist… if people want to discuss ill be happy to dive in more with them…


Iron man 3 sucked

Totally agree with you. It was so bad I fell asleep twice.

Movie was fucking sick. $175M opening weekend. Paid for the movie right there. So much action in every scene. Robert Downey Jr. is the man.

you suck.
its a movie relax FFS

The best part about Iron Man 3 was the old man sitting behind us ripping asshole the whole movie…

I thought it was decent but the dragon fire breathing mandarin was Lame as hell

Word. Its a movie. Not real life. FFS


Being born in another place on this planet (I didn’t really start watching movies/TV until I was like 15) and not being up/hip on the comics when they were just comics, all of these Marvel/DC movies are AWESOME in my opinion. I wait for the next movie to come out with great anticipation. Can’t wait for the next Thor, etc.

LOL at going to an Iron Man movie and wanting realistic action!


So the fast and furious movies aren’t real life?

Has nothing to do with expecting realistic action…

The maderin was not the manderin… They put some dumb spin on it. The manderin is a evil psychopath in the comic universe. Extremely well educated, very diabolical; hes Iron mans biggest nemesis. They completely fucked up an epic villian by making him some crackhead actor sham.

Secondly it was just to far out there with the superhuman regenerational meatheads.

The first iron man was somewhat believable. It was not so farfetched that it was out of the realm of possibility so to speak. There was no crazy nonsense outside of The Iron Man suit… but here we have humans that glow red, you can see their insides… they can melt shit… short out elecctronics and breath fire like a dragon… come the fuck on… that just way out there.

Same as batman, many of the OG batman movies sucked… The Nolan batman trilogy did a fantastic job of making batman feel real, the gadgets were not so out there and it felt like it could happen.

The bullshit manderin and superhuman bombs aside… the movie overall jsut seemed Meh… tried to hard to be funny at times in situation where I feel it would have been better if it wasnt…

Was it as bad as iron man 2? No not really… but many say its the best iron man yet… I disagree.

I guess if you’re someone who watches a movie outside explosions and shiny objects you dont give to much about everything else (See: Battleship)

I love a mind numbing explosion fest eye candy driven movie (see again battleship) as much as anyone else… I hate movies that start in one direction… get taken over by another director/write and go in a completely different direction.

when i go to see an iron man movie, i expect to see iron man and this film did not deliver i liked some of the new tricks he had but it seemed to me like they wanted to show how tony stark is more then just a suit and i get that but, ugg the manderian is an actual villian and they just crushed that.

Thought the movie was awesome. Would see again.

this. it was cool to see them show more of a struggle with tony stark as somewhat of an underdog instead of being in a suit the whole time with no chance of failure.

I really disliked the whole invincible people and blowing fire thing but I thought the Mandarin was a great twist. Granted I know nothing about the comic books so I wasn’t expecting one thing to be delivered another.

This. I guess that benefit of not having been a fan prior to any of the movies coming out. Each and every movie is ‘new’ to me and thus awesome.

Exactly, I thought the way they pulled off the Mandarin was brilliant. Fit in perfectly with the general humor and light tone of the Iron Man movies.

Not wasting my time on some comic book movie shit movie

As a guy who grew up on comics these movies always bastardize the story line for the masses. So I avoid them at all cost.

Iron Man 3 was fine… OP is a faggot

I thought it was pretty good honestly.

Pepper Pots ftw