Is an SRT-4 welcome here?

learn how to launch and you wont get bad wheel hop. The handfull of races I had at flashlights I only had bad wheel hop once. Only mods at the time were goldlines 215 tire tractionwise.

You might see me time to time up and down rt8. Im down in Millvale, I dont really travel rt8 at much, only for walmart on occasion.

Wheel hop isn’t really an issue. The front stays pretty flat for me. I just need stickier tires.

I’ll keep an eye out for youl.

There is a ton of f-bodies and stangs in the area that will kick my c5s ass (esp. with me driving). I think the highest percentage of 12 second and lower cars are f-body and stangs. Probably 90% of vettes are stock.

I’ve been starting to see more of that. I’m used to seeing guys with mullets and mid-life crisis problems driving around their new convertible Mustang GT’s. I’ve passed a few F-Bodies on my way to and from work that sound pretty mean. There’s a performance shop right across the street from me that has consistantly had some mean ass look stangs in the lot ever since the weather broke. Kudos to whoever has that red Cobra. Looks very clean. And today when I came home, there was a red GT500 parked there.

I got friends out in Columbus who are members of COFBA (Central Ohio F Body Association) and that’s the only place I’ve seen a decent showing of well put together cars. I guess the North Hills of Pittsburgh might be another lair.

we need a “sport compact” section…this proves it, all the four cylinder guys do the same stuff whether domestic or import.

yta, not sweating fbods or mustang but staying away from vettes and cobras makes no sense. the chances of running into a modded fbaody is alot greater than running into a modded vette. there are plenty of fbods around here that will hand you your ass, hard. i think my ws6 is decent and its probly one of the slower fbods on the site and i basically have a ls6.

yea i have only seen a few modded vettes myself…but the mod’d fbods are in unlimited supply

so back on topic.

yes, you and your neon can stay and play.:grouphug:

Somebody wasn’t paying attention…

I was saying how I’m used to non-modded F-Bodies, but I see alot more of them around here and am very impressed.

Thank you for answering my question if an SRT-4 owner would be welcome here. I’ll come back when I buy another small block…

ur welcome here!:beer:

If that is what you intended…you may want to phrase it a little better cheif

What he said makes sense… he’s used to seeing stock~ish f-bodies, and seeing how his car seems like it would easily take a stock ls1 f-body, it would make sense that he would say he isn’t intimidated by a v8 rwd car.

I for one, would like seeing an srt-4’s insight on the automotive enthusiast world. Granted, he won’t find as much information on his car in the domestic portion of the forums as he would on the import section… but I for one

a) like your car
b) would love more information about it
c) would read threads about the domestic sport compact world
d) hope a few incompetant domestic owners won’t sweat you off with their closed-mindedness (is that even a word?)

Granted, when I come to the forums, I automatically hit “new posts” so I will end up reading your threads whether or not you post them in the imports or domestics section. But if anyone here thinks that you don’t have a right to be in either section, being domestic or import, well… they can suck on my exhaust pipe. In my mind, a car enthusiast is a car enthusiast… the fact we segregate based on engine, which wheel drive, import/domestic, kinda ticks me off. A bad ass car is a bad ass car, no matter what. So I vote you stay! just don’t be too sensitive cuz i’ll still give you ocassional crap about your car… but I do that to everyone… including myself.

hrrrmmmm check your join date



My apologies.

I was trying to get across the fact that it’s refreshing to see enthusiasts in the area instead of people buying a Mustang because it looks pretty. I have had to adjust my views.

I guess my wording was poor. It’s nice to see you guys have such a strong community and I hope that one bad sentence doesn’t bar me from it.

the fact that I’m new bars me from voicing my opinion?

Absolutely not. His join date was 2005, December 2005 at that, so I really doubt that makes him OG enought to say you can’t voice your opinion. He probably has no idea what PSR is. That is some OG shit right there.

STFU n00b

What is this noob thing you speak of? Is that like a boob?