Is it Halloween already?

I don’t get it…freaks, goths, emo ppl, thug, prep, whatever people wanna be categorized as is retarded…like dressing in goth clothes for example…does ur whole closet have to be all black? or black and green stockings? when r people gonna just grow the fuck up… people might call me a prep, or whatever u wanna refer to me as, but I just flat out wear clothes…I’m not ghetto, I’m not preppy, I’m not skater, emo or goth…I just wear what I like even if it is from a store that all “freaks” or preppies shop at…if I like it, I’m gonna buy it and wear it, even if that means wearing my hot topic t-shirt with my abercrombie jeans :gasp: (<—did he just say that?) I’ve been around all types of people…I’ve been to parties where everyone was wearing all black and I showed up wearing a pink polo and bootcut jeans with flip flops and did it matter to me? no…of course I got looks like “wtf is this kid doing here?” but most of the people were pretty cool, just not exactly my kinda crowd being that we had nothing in common, but it was still a good time…and yes, I agree, everyday should not be halloween

btw, all that was nothing having to do with what any of u guys posted…more like “why the hell do people purposely go out of their way to put themselves in a category?” kinda thing…problem is people don’t know who they are, only who they’re trying to be (I don’t mean everyone, just the people that make themselves stick out/ try to not stick out but do anyway)