Is it Halloween already?

sideways hats = :gay2:
earings = the same
wearing a scarf indoors… = :gay2:

no, I got that. My rant was in general. not attacking 'Lemons specifically.

Who the fuck cares? let the collar poppers do their thing, let the emo’s hump Newman’s petit leg, let the goth kid’s buy all the magic markers they want to… If each individual person bitches about each and every other person because of the style or brand that their wearing, the terrorists have won.

and, by terrorist, I mean the evil that thrives off of the above mentioned consumer’ism.

size 6 motherfucker.

what is size 6 converted to men’s sizes?



So sweet.

Wow 4 pages.
After looking at beckingtons pictures, the people I saw looked more goth.
The main difference was that their eyes were TOTALLY black.

The people in the emo pictures look gay to me.
I don’t mean “that’s gay” gay, I mean they like boys gay.
Anyway, I think the goth kids at the mall are similar to the Harley crowd except they can’t afford Harleys.
What I mean is they feel the need to show there darkside by wearing black and it gives them a group to be accepted by because they don’t like the “normal” people.(By normal I mean the masses)
There is definately a "look at me " factor.

Goth seems pretty extreme.
It is funny how much controversey a simple polo shirt with a popped collar can cause.:lol:

i think its like a 30ish?
girl clothes are really unpredictable.

like, i can fit into some 5-6 and some 8-9

yeah. that kid on the couch with the scarf loves it in the butt i hear?

:tup: thread makes me laugh…picture of beck and newman looks romant

:tup: thread makes me laugh…picture of beck and newman looks romantic too

Left, or right?


that’s not thaaaat bad.

I don’t have anything to say to that, but I thought it worth quoting. :gotme:
