Is it Halloween already?

was it a banner making reference to sex with an upside down kangaroo?

did You ask him if a dingo had his baby?

it said “down under” it was on a subaru. you can draw your own conclusions.

back to the bullet belt…

lol, sounds like the guy from Alaska that wanted to beat me up for asking if he drove his car all the way to buffalo :lol:

“This is the song that reminds me of my trucker hat” la la la la…

best belt ever…
i have 3…

I’m for anything that is different. No need to be a carbon copy of the next person. Newman = perfect example. Me = carbon copy of any old Harley riding dude. lol

Yup… you bought the smaller one thinking it would be enough… and now your looking to upgrade :wink:

newman - can those bullets be used to shoot a cow or pig for food? Or are they for rifles that are only meant to kill people?

the guy i bought them from said they are for towel head use only…???

haha good thread I like it

That means they will explode you and everyone around you. Or they belong in an Ak-47… in which case, can I borrow them?

Ok… so what youre saying is that you are are in the same boat as him? just a different style clothing… ? right? you just shop at a different place that also rams whatever youre wearing down your throat, because your friends wear it, etc whatever…

or… I’m sure you know this kid on a perosnal basis and you know for a fact that one day he woke up and went to school and saw whatever style was there and said to himself “i must wear that!”

UNLESS you DO NOT shop at stores, make all your own clothing, to your own style that came from spending your entire life since birth on a remote island by yourself so that no ideas you had were from any other human made object… then just stfu… you bitch because person b wears what was ‘shoved down his throat’ when really… he needed a fucking shirt on his back so he went to the store and bought one… or he opened a box at christmas and there was a shirt in it… when you go to a different store and do the same damn thing…

emo(y) is gay
popping your collar(x) is gay

trying so hard to stay waay waaaayy out of scene x just puts you right in scene y…

someday, when the terrorists attack…your gonna be sitting there with you m60 and be like “shit, I wish newman was here with his bullet belts”

I’d just like to add that everything is trendy, no matter what you do your trendy.

fuckin deal with it you trendy fucks

I am the only person in teh world who is not tendy, I only wear clothes with surfer paraphenalia…I don’t know what most of the symbols on my clothes stand for…but I know they are cool

I’m a lake ontario surfer…now thats unique…and gay!

god I suck



I was a “sXe” to the extent I wanted to be… I didn’t want to drink or do drugs, so I didnt (some people call that a “sXe”… ), not because it was the ‘cool’ thing to do or it was ‘different’… then I decided to start drinking, because I wanted to… I don’t pick a certain group (sXe) and do whatever it takes to be ‘that type of person’… I am who I am… if I happen to have a few alike qualities with a certain group then I do… if I don’t… I don’t… I can’t stand people that try to be a certain person, whether it be mainstream or not…

as for clothes… yeah I have polos, probably 6 or 7… my first 2 were from diadora, a soccer company… that I picked up like 8 years ago at a soccer camp… which sadly still fit… some newer ones are from a&f, and AE from 1-3 years ago… all of which I still wear because they tell me I need clothes to be in public… not because I’m that trendy guy… because those are the clothes I have so thats what I wear… I don’t go out and buy clothes every year to match trends… I go out and buy them when my shirts have holes in them, or the collars are stretched out, or whatever… and actually… I havnt bought a shirt for myself in atleast 5 years, they have all been gifts, either bday or christmas, or vday…the only thing I DO buy on a regular basis are new plain old jeans… that fit… that do not come worn out

as for my haircut… I bought a $40 electric razor with plastic attachments about 5-6 years ago… and its every other week with the #2… cheap (now down to pennies per haircut and getting cheaper every cut), and functional (requires NO work at any time, not in the morning, not when I go out, just shampoo in the shower, and it doesnt get in the way of work/sports) haircuts

taking down 747s with my fighter in the airforce.

“… all these non-comformists are alike…”


this is my problem, all of you trendy / non-trendy fucks care about this.

I have “polo’s from A&D” or “I hate any who shops @ Acme”

It’s just fucking cloth. I couldn’t even tell you two brands in my fucking closet. Yet I’m wearing clothes everyday of the week. even dressed business casual 5 of those days.


my point was that YES… I DO have ‘trendy’ polos… and non ‘trendy’ polos… never once did I say I cared about what brand they were… the ‘trendy’ ones were gifts actually… I didn’t buy diadora polos because I hate a&f polos, and I don’t wear a&f polos because other people do… I wear what I have available to me…

and I guess I’m an asshole for knowing what brand is in my closet… I have a good memory? Do you think my gf knows what brand tires are on her car? I’m driving on kumho MXs right now… I guess I’m a kumho brand whore now… :shrug:

and by closet I mean floor.

can i clear something up?

these people with make-up and w/e you’re seeing walk around, are not emo’s.


emo kids like to work on cars too:

these are GOTHS:

EMOS > GOTHS…in any aspect.