Is it Halloween already?

actually, you’re wrong…none of the people I hang out with dress like me…and I’ve had the polo since way before it was the “cool” thing to wear…same with jeans that are torn…I was wearing my jeans that were actually torn from wear and tear before they started throwing paint on them and selling em for $100…I could care less about whatever every1 else is wearing…I have a pair of Diesel shoes that I bought in Italy way before any1 knew what Diesel was…I do my own thing, and yea, I do shop at the trendy stores too, but not because every1 else does

did i ever once claim that i was unique or original? really. just look at my posts. THAT BEING SAID im just punching holes in his ridiculously poor argument.


keep laughing, that’s fine…but you won’t see me wearing that polo anymore unless just about every other shirt I own is in the wash

goth… emo, same difference “look at me or I’ll slash my wrists then cry and write a song about it”

How old are you?

No, serious question…

almost 20, why?


newman dresses like the biggest fag I know. Who else would fukin wear bullets around their waist a green trucker hat and a punk tee shirt with girl pants.

i don’t get it. go tape your glasses or something. :wink:

i know. he definitely needs to buy in or somethng :*

Polos were quite popular before your time

Desiel has been around for a long ass time also (I think since 1978)

just a heads up, and reality check… you didn’t start any trends. Nor did anyone on this forum. Well, maybe Butch. LOL kiddddding :smiley:

anyone who tries to express themselves through clothes is an asshole. If i was an emo kid at heart id wear abercrombie just to piss other emo kids off…

no, I know polos have been around and so has diesel…I’m not saying I started any trend at all…my whole point was that I don’t wear stuff because it’s what everyone else thinks is in style…I used to have to go to toronto if I wanted to buy diesel or energie or any designers like that…I’ve known about and owned stuff from those brands since way before they were popular here is what I’m saying…so there’s no reason to be saying that I’m a total follower…I hate trends just as much as anyone…I think the kids that walk around in flip flops, cargo shorts fallin off their ass, a polo with the collar popped and a hat that rests on their hair instead of being on their head look like retards…I don’t wear stuff just because everyone else does it…I may wear stuff that other people do too, but not for that reason

when newman gets all worked up he says funny things, i like it.

Nessuno…in the least offensive way possible, just shut up.
you are making it worse by going on about it.
anyone can get shit for saying anything…u wont win especially on a subject like this…continue wearing what u wear and just dont say anything about it.


no, I kno…I wasn’t trying to be a dick about anything or even argue…I apologize if I offended anyone, but I didn’t intend to…I only went on because I don’t like having people misunderstand me and I feel kinda dumb just leaving it alone

sometimes i feel like i am going to explode when i am typing amazing things. like when i used to make fun of funkylemons on UBRF… oh sweet jesus, that was amazing. someone invite onekwikSS onto the site PLEASE! I need him inside of me… i mean, on the forum.

you should feel dumb.

ha, kidding. I know what you are saying more or less. i am just really argumentative because its funny and fun. im never really serious.

trendy kids are annoying, bottom line, but at the same time, everyone is a bit trendy, so we are all a bit annoying to one another. some kids are just worse.

some kids are shining examples of all that is wrong with consumer’ism…

it’s fun to discuss & debate shit on the internet… so long as everyone is aware enough to not be offended by it; or head too far abstract with it. hardly any of all things posted in OT should be taken more seriosuly then a Lettermen monologue. That’s what OT is for…


^^ tell that to the austrailian guy that tried beating me up for picking on his windshield banner…