is it jsut me or is anyone else getting frustrated by this weather

Taxes are worse here than a lot of places, TX and FL don’t even have state income tax.

Gas is way more in California, but it’s a lot more stable throughout the rest of the country.

I agree on rent/housing, but on vacations and the car issue…that actually works out worse for us. A brand new ZO6 doesn’t cost 2-3x as much out there like rent does, but the pay sure is better.

I didn’t mean all cities are the same. I meant if a person from Pgh and a person from LA visit the same city, they will pay the same for a hotel. It’s just a larger % of the Pgh person’s pay. Airfare changes too, but it’s usually pretty flat, sometimes even better flying out of the largest cities.

My point was just that a big vacation or a nice car is a larger chunk of your pay when you live in Pgh, and “reap the benefits” of the low cost of living.