Is it possible to Block a website on a comp?

My sister is into the whole MYspace thing. Shes only 15 and me and my mom dont agree that she should be on it. Is it possible to block this one website so that my sis cant access it?

lol… yes you can, but that is stupid. Myspace was designed for teenagers. 15 is pretty old enough to be smart so long as she is monitered on-line. (aka no Beck)

You are better off just looking at the page to see that she isn’t getting into trouble. And what kind of a brother locks his sister out of shit. Man when i was 15 my 23 yr old brother was buying me beer.

Orrr we can just answer his question and tell him how to block it without critiquing everthing. Obviously there is a way. I dont know it.

sure it is… lots of software that’ll let you do that… of hand, I dont know anything off the top of my head, but do a google search… I’m sure you’ll come up with something.

look up like “block user websites” or something along them lines

I would answer it if he said she was 8. I dont think it to be right so i wont answer it. not critiquing, he can make his own decisions, just giving my opinion. If you dont like my opinion, click ignore.

One possibility is to use firewall rules to REJECT all stuff destined
for that netblock. With iptables the rule would look like this on the
server :
iptables -A FORWARDING -d -j REJECT
If you don’t have a firewall yet, set one up.

I recomend sygate pro for the firewall. I can give you a copy if you need it

pics of sister or ban :rofl:

hahahahaha jk!

link to sisters page? i’ll get her off…


Look up a thing called “Hosts” file.
Put in (and whatever variants) to go to

Ya I have no problem buying her beer, but I dont understand why 15yr old girls feel the need to post up pics of themselves in bathing suits and stupid shit like that. I dont agree with a 15yr old being on myspace, especially when its my sister. When you sign up for myspace, you are supposed to be 18, at least thats how it was when I signed up. So when you go and you see girls put down that they are 18-19 and then you read their profile and find out that they are really 13-15, it just makes me cringe. I dunno call me crazy but I dont agree with it. And I give it 30 mins before Newman jumps in on this one. AND NO I WILL NOT POST UP HER LINK OR HER PICS

Ok, no “PICKS” but what about pics?:biglaugh:


we used hosts file routing when i was a diebold, but i really didn’t find it to be an end all solution since dns can be spoofed. Even my firewall isn’t an end all option, but combine them both, and you will have a better grip on the security. download, install read through the help file your all set.

IBsomeone posts her profile. Someones gotta know this guys last name IRL :lol:

IMO if you block myspace from her, she’ll just find something else to join like friendster or something like that.

:rofl:haha I guess its a good thing that shes a 1/2 sister with a different last name:snky::biglaugh:

Spell the word PICTURE aloud… . . let me help

P - I - C - T - U - R - E

Now, spell PICK

P - I - C - K

In the word PICTURE, where does the K come?

People say “PICS” to shorten PICTURE. PICKS is something else.

in the light of FF, I will try to utilize some mistranslation of the Japanese:

In other words, “YOUR PICKS FAILS”


PIC’S ='s Pictures

I know what he was sayin but if you look at my post it says “Pics” :stuck_out_tongue:

I think editing the hosts file is more than enough to keep his little sister off of myspace. DNS spoofing does not apply here, because his computer will look in his hosts file BEFORE doing a dns lookup. It will see belongs to (or whatever) and that is the end. There is no DNS to spoof. I am not on a Windows box, but the hosts file is located in C:\WINNT\system32\drivers\etc\hosts IIRC.
