Is my TPS boinked

Hey guys, on my SAFC it the throttle reading is a little messed. When I’m not on the gas at all, the reading keeps shifting from about 2%-5% at the highest. I’m pretty sure that this is screwing up my idle because it seems to go up and down with the TPS reading. The wierd thing is that it seems to be reading correctly when I step on the gas. It will say 100% when the gas is all the way down.

On another car with an SR, the TPS reading is 0% when you are at 0 throttle.

Anyways, is my TPS fucked or does it need to be configured or something?

As far as I know the TPS is just a potentiometer (i.e. variable resistor). It would be very easy to check with a multimeter.
Check the FSM for the min/max resistance values. So when you turn it one way you’ll read the lowest resistance, turn it the other way you’ll get the highest resistance.

If the values don’t match what the FSM says, your TPS is toast.

btw, a bad tps can cause rough idle, stalling, terrible gas mileage etc…

edit: you might just have to adjust it so it does read 0% on your SAFC.

I have a KA-T setup with an AFC and the TPS is 0 when off throttle, Is your engine solid mounted?, if so the vibration may cause this ( not for sure just an idea). or maybe check the screws holding it in place.

Thanks for the pointer Lith, I’ll give that a try.

And twistedsteel, you may be on to something…I’m pretty sure my tranny mount is toast. Maybe I’ll try replacing that…

before you do anything, make sure your TB is actually closing all the way and that the throttle or cruise control cables aren’t too tight or something silly like that.

off topic, do you still want that PS reservoir i have for you?

If you go into the AFC settings to read the actual voltage coming off the TPS what does it read?

The voltage coming off the TPS is 1.145-1.150V if I don’t touch the gas and the car isn’t running. I can’t start the car right now cause it has no injectors lol.

And yea man, I still want that resivoir. Any chance you’re gonna be closer to Sauga anytime soon?

you should be getting 0V from the TPS when the throttle is closed… check out the pic

So this probably means that the TPS is messed up since its getting a reading at 0 throttle correct?

Also, I unplugged the TPS and the SAFC reads 95% throttle at first but it slowly climbs up to 100% and stays there. Is this what is supposed to happen?

It does sound like something is up with your TPS. It sounds like the SAFC is adjusting when you unplug it, it thinks that its supposed to be at 100% so it adjusts it accordingly. I would see if you can plug in another TPS and see what happens.

i’ve got a TPS for you if you come get that reservoir out of my trunk, lol