Is Nick Pearl Banned?

This could make for a more interesting afternoon than the KFC debate did yesterday…

some one shot him a message on myspace to this link.

post it again, i’ll ask him

No, rollercoater works just fine, bc he will get mad just as if I said lollercoaster, rofflecopter, etc :lol:

Nick peal is about to get pwned.

Invalid Friend ID.
This user has either cancelled their membership, or their account has been deleted.


This must of happend when them girls were freaking out taking pics of my car and me :lol:


when did i miss this and what happened

Yeah holy shit was that bitch a freak

These girls were following me and Way2slow down the blvd, snapping pictures of us and our cars. She was literally blinding us. At first I thought it was the cops until her stupid ass pulled up. I think they got SHOWTIME’S car too. Hilarious!!!

were they hot?

hahahahahahahahah NOOOOPPPPPEEEEE!!!

hahaha mad ugly !!!


ugly girls love f-bods : CONFIRMED

lol jk

thats hilarious though :lol:

jesse u got pwneddddDDd by the pearl!!!1!!one11!

just admit it ftW. u aint 1337 aiITTe. gime soma dat apple sh337

^^ LOL

oh jesse’s gonna love this

lol did you hear this on the radio or something? you should send a link to this thread to shred and regan… that would be awesome if they shamed him over the air :lol:

pretty sweet if a car with 768hp is dead even with you Jessie :tup: