Is Pittsburgh for Clinton? homeless guy thinks otherwise......

Well, im bored as hell…
seems like pittsburgh loves clinton…
Homeless guy climbs clock to express his views (Yes, he was the only one)


that was annoying as fuck all day. brainwashed college students asking me dumb ass politcal shit… i asked the one " so what do you think of O’bamas reverand and his hate comments towards whites?" and she was like "uhhh uhhh " and i said “thats what i thought, now let me watch the parade”

i laugh at these fuckers… “i’m a college student, i’m gonna make difference in the world” no fuck you… you dont know shit about he real world yet so dont fuck up this election for the people who actaully do have bills, kids, priorities, etc…

I have a feeling a heated debate will be had at the mile…

i asked the one " so what do you think of O’bamas reverand and his hate comments towards whites?"

It’s amazing how little coverage this issue is receiving. Actually, it’s absurd.

Obama is doing damage control now but he’s toast. you cant be connected to a guy that says shit like " the US of KKKA"

its funny how it works. if ur black u can say teh worst shit in the world but if white and you say a dumb little comment on the fuckin golf channel jesse jackson come running with his hand out and wants everyone fired. lets face it… obama needs white support way more than blacks.

with that said i still hope he gets the nomination because mccain will clean his clock for sure. not that hes that much better.

Fuck that cunt.

right on

I don’t like the thought of McCain in office, but the thought of Obama or Hillary is much much worse.

I think McCain is going to make a great president. x2 on the thought of President Obama or President Hilary Clinton being very, very scary.

those who think obama can win live under a rock… pittsburgh while very democractic is still full of retired white mill workers… guys that aren;t clan memebers but will basically say there is no way they’d vote for a N____. the further you get from cities the less chance obama has to get votes. mccain wont only do will in a city like pittsburgh because his opponant could be black but because he has a military background. Old men like that kinda shit and will make a dem vote across party lines… Mccain is not exactly a conservative rep either. obama could possibly get defeated in mondale fashion.

Obama could win the Democratic nomination, and the whitehouse, if:

Obama sucessfully mobilizes the “youth vote” to vote in his favor.
Obama maintains his grip on the black vote.
The core Democratic white, working class voters are turned off enough by both Hilary and Barrack’s social liberalism that they stay home and don’t vote.
The conservative Republican base is so turned off by McCain that they stay home and don’t vote.

As long as McCain gets even a token showing from the Republic conservative core, he’s got it wrapped up. In my opinion, he needs a religious conservative running mate to seal the deal.

the black vote is actaully very small… 12% of the population of that, subtract…kids, crackheads, convicted fellons, unregistered voters, voters that will be too drunk on election day, people too old to know their own name…etc etc… what are u left with… a few percent maybe?

the same thing with college kids… they are all gungho about shit and when judgement day comes people always fall through the cracks. the youth is very unreliable.

mccain/romney would fit the bill or mccain/ juliani would not be beaten

I dont think so. I know a lot of the old white mill guys, my parents being a few of them, and all I’m hearing is “I would vote for a N______, long before a cunt like that.”

I’m also hearing, “she couldn’t even run her household and keep bill in check, how the hell is she going to run the country?”

Hilary is a straight commy, God help us all if she makes it into office.

McCain is a pretty horrible choice as well.

For those of you that think McCain has it “locked up” I tend to disagree. The condition of the Economy will cause many swing voters to go Democrat. Historically speaking, the incumbent party loses during a weak economy, I see no reason why this would be any different.

I can’t believe I’m saying this because he’s a pro-tax, anti-gun socialist, but I’m pulling for Obama because I can’t stand Shillary.

See sig.

our economy will be down the shitter by then. The candidate that has the most believable lie about how they are going to fix it will win the election.

Of course, there is someone running for the Presidency that has been screaming at the top of his lungs that this is exactly what was going to happen, and has an excellent plan to deal with it.

our economy will be down the shitter by then. The candidate that has the most believable lie about how they are going to fix it will win the election.

Of course, there is someone running for the Presidency that has been screaming at the top of his lungs that this is exactly what was going to happen, and has an excellent plan to deal with it.

ok thats the primary… what happends in november? they may vote for obama rather than hillary but obama over mccain… i dont think so.

a black guy wont get taken seriously by the rest of country until he totally distances his self from the likes of jackson, sharpton… etc…

i’d vote for JC watts in a heartbeat.

lets face it… blacks when it comes down to it… dont “support their own” they didnt even come out and vote for swanny.


But on the other hand you think the good 'ol USA is going to turn out to vote for a woman?

If I remeber correctly, and yes and an old fuck compared to a lot you, but a woman is what got Reagan elected. Mondel (sp) would have beat Reagan, if it wasn’t for a female running mate. I know this is some 20 years later, but I dont see the USA supporting a woman for president.

I wouldn’t be surprised if the Nov. election doesnt set a record. The record for lowest voter turn out. I understand that there are big numbers now at the primaries. But once Nov. gets here, everyone is going to be so disgusted with the two thats left, that most are going to stay home.