study psychology and youll see that everyone is selfish…you help other people because it makes you feel good? life is easy and hard at the same time its what every you make of it.
you can be selfish without knowning…im not a peta member but whats more valuable a nice healthly chicken or a full stomach? eating is selfish
almost everything you do is for yourself even if you help others all day. all humans do what feels good. and you dont smash out va jay jay to help the lady? you do it because it feels good.
and to say everyone shouldnt be here if they are selfish thats b.s. you work to help yourself? selfish you eat when your hungary? selfish…most people in tdays world live for today not tomorrow. thats selfish i could keep going on and on but im limited to time and i think you get the point. the only real thing you have is yourself