Is suicide cowardly and selfish? (split)

I wouldn’t say I disagree with you, but I know for a fact that if you woke up tomorrow in my shoes… You’d be thinking it’s pretty bad and how could it get worse…

There’s very few people on this site who know the struggles of my day, most of the time if you see me out, it’s a learned response from years of dealing with hurdle after hurdle. Like I said, so many people are eager to criticize another humans behavior (i’m included) and yet, you’re too weak of a person to judge yourself (honestly), that I know is also a fact.

Yah I hear yah man. I couldn’t imagine going through what you have to go through… must take a lot of will power.

Some will power… It’s surrounding yourself with people who love and care about you, who don’t treat you like you have a disability. I have more respect for people who treat me like a human, instead of those who pity me because of my disability.

shut up man , u rock that chair and drift it better than most drifters do lol

This is also fact.

u still owe me a ride yo

mustache ride?

Very true. When I get down on my luck, I find myself parked in front of WalMart for hours on end sometimes, just to give me higher self esteem. :rofl

If I woke up in your shoes, my feet would stink. lol

in all seriousness, this guy is good shit. People can learn a lot from him. He may be an ugly ass mother fucker, and some people might not like that he punches asian babies in his spare time… but he is still a good person deep down inside.

Thank you.

I hate seeing people with good lives criticizing and talking down to others less fortunate when they have no idea what it’s like and really can’t relate.

I actually wanted to bring you up but was hoping youd see this thread.

Me and you have touched on this subject before, and you seemed to somewhat agree with me.

I know its not easy for you, again we have talked about it, but you know while shit may get hard for you that you still push through as you have some awssome friends, and your own family.

Oh jesus man… don’t even get me started. Going into that place is awful. Reminds me why I use condoms and try to be somewhat smart with my money.

truth right here…also this had to be done

i guess it all depends on what perspective you have. outside influence can effect alot…but imo time is the best thing i have it should be for everyone but it gets hidden…just think without time would any of this be possible? everything takes time, use it wisely and do what makes you happy.

also think about this…“you like to help other people” do you help to make yourself fell good? or do you help to help other person? hard question because you feel good helping. i guess its a win/win but the main reasn is your helping other people to help yourself.; so i guess all life is selfish?

Thank you.

Life is selfish and easy (cowardly) and I have yet to be proven wrong on this.


At you thinking life is easy vlad, then what makes these people think suicide is a good idea?

Life is not easy…

Like I said before, if living is selfish then none of us should be here…

No we are all selfish, that combined with the fact that it’s easy is why we are here. No such thing as a selfless act, refer to Sienfield episode.

Only select few do otherwise and they give up EVERYTHING they have and all the possibilities of the future. How you say giving up on everything you own is selfish is beyond me.

I’ve tried to stay out of this but that’s seriously what you’re going to argue? Of all the time I have known you I would never expect you to take this viewpoint on suicide, unless of course you’re just trying to play devils advocate. But seriously, you’re arguing in favor of suicide? Life is FAR more than just about you and only you and suicide except in extreme circumstances is unjustifiable, in my opinion. I think hotwheels and a few others in this thread and on shift epitomize that, they have been through far greater hard ships than you or I and yet they push on and sure seem to enjoy what they are able to get out of life and the relationships they have made.

Suicide is bullshit and fucks families up forever, fucking real talk.

Vlad I seriously can’t even argue with you anymore about this. Your view on “life” seems so twisted.

We are selfish for living, being put on this earth, not by OUR CHOICE but by evolution and conception?

Life is not easy vlad, life is about making the most out of your time here and in my opinion bonding, inspiring and helping others. A little to perfect sounding? sure a lot of us are not that perfect, and their are exceptions but a lot of GOOD people don’t just live for themselves they do try and reach out to others even in the smallest way.

At this point I think your going off of the original discussion and even suicide in general, your describing what seems to be your own fucked up twisted view on your own life. Don’t mean to be an asshole vlad, I’d like to consider myself your friend and liek I said before, outside of this discussion nothing has changed it stays in this thread.

One killing themselves is hardly a selfless act.

Killing yourself because your parents hate you, people in high school hate you, because you can’t ride a a fucking bike anymore and you think its the only way you can live, because your life just got a little harder because of a dissability is dumb. There is always someone who has it worse than you (general statement) and you can look around the corner all the time and see someone with a way worse situaion then you and they are still pushing through, even if at times they do find themselves contemplating it.

There are some exceptions that I can agree with, while i dont think its 100% write I can understand what would cause someone to do it, but 90% of suicides you here about are not in that category

My aunt is a prime example, I cant go into to much detail for legal reasons, but she got beat nearly to death by a guy who she did not even know with a lead pip full of nails, for 3 months coulden’t even talk, for two years she basicly coudlent remember the day before and woke up like drew barymore from 50 first dates, 4 years later still suffering severe long and short term memory loss, along with bad back problems, a useless arm, debilitating headaches, anxiety, depression etc… You know what she told me the other day, that she agreed with me on this 100%, this comming from a woman who nearly killed herself because it got hard, then realized that while its tough in this moment it will get better. She doesn’t think shell ever be 100%, but she loves life, now more than ever. She couldent stop stressing to me even when its hard life is precious and we should all be lucky that we are still here.

study psychology and youll see that everyone is selfish…you help other people because it makes you feel good? life is easy and hard at the same time its what every you make of it.

you can be selfish without knowning…im not a peta member but whats more valuable a nice healthly chicken or a full stomach? eating is selfish
almost everything you do is for yourself even if you help others all day. all humans do what feels good. and you dont smash out va jay jay to help the lady? you do it because it feels good.

and to say everyone shouldnt be here if they are selfish thats b.s. you work to help yourself? selfish you eat when your hungary? selfish…most people in tdays world live for today not tomorrow. thats selfish i could keep going on and on but im limited to time and i think you get the point. the only real thing you have is yourself