One of my neighbors

Shot and killed himself today. He was a good friend of mine and it was a shame to see him and his wife arguing constantly for the most part for months on end…it all came to an end today when he shot himself while both her and the kids were home…he left two little girls here alone…one 13 and one around 3, it’s really hard to shake thinking about it because last night he was arguing with his wife and said “Divorce me then, life isn’t worth living if i don’t have you”…obviously his two children didn’t mean enough to live…and his oldest i’m pretty sure heard him say that. I’m asking all of those on here that may be in a failing relationship…to just walk away…please because it hurts too much to lose someone especially to suicide

sad story

wow sorry to hear


Poor kids.

sorry to hear, I feel for the kids.


Thats really sad—I can only imagine. What a bad situation.

sorry to hear

No one in the world is worth committing suicide over. Especially if you have kids. You can still just leave the woman and see the kids on the weekends. Sorry to hear about it though

sorry and sad to hear

that’s awful, sorry to hear that. Those poor kids…

Suicide is very selfish. Poor kids. I hope they aren’t all f’ed up in the head over this.

we cant really judge. none of us knew what thier situation was. For someone to take thier own life bc they couldnt see themselves w/o the one they love…it takes a lot out of someone. sometimes divorce is like death. It may be selfish, but the loss of loosing something you live for might have hurt even more.

Feel sorry for the kids…

Anything > killing yourself over a woman.

Suicide shouldn’t be an option…ever.

idk…theres a few people i would like see with a self inflicted bullet to the head. But its always the good ones that go.


of course they will be. Thats an imagine/sound you just dont erase.
I saw a man hang himself in sharpsburg when I was younger…everytime i pass that house thats all i can see is him hanging there. Yuck.

and even if they didnt see it happen…the thought of the noise…gives me chills.