r.i.p. Jerry Clark

honestly i’m not really sure why i’m posting this in here other than i need to vent. An amazing young man i had the privilege of knowing hung himself today. he was way to young. he was a senior in high school… i’d coached the kid since he was in 8th grade. Its not the first time i’ve had one of my kids pass but it is the first time i’ve had one of them kill them self. Not really sure how to feel. his uncle and father were the ones who taught me how to coach. brought me up with them and our program. they are truly like family and this came as a complete shock to everyone. the kid was a constant smile… like i said not sure y i’m posting this and dont even care if anyone responds… just needed to write this out. truly a sad day for the world it lost a very bright kid…

That sucks man. I have my views on suicide, but thats not for here.

Sorry to hear that man, suicides are not easy to deal with. Had a kid that was close friends with my sister kill himself in hs, and it fucked her up real bad. Now there is a law(Timothy’s Law) that was put in place after his death to help children with things like this.

R.I.P little guy

Sorry man. Rough

damn man, sucks to hear. seems like alot of the good ones end up this way, and the world gets stuck with the likes of racehatchsisterfucker, mikeorfareed, and travis koch.

RIP man. Keep your head up Yetti, at least the little homie is in a better place now.

that is rough man…sorry to hear. RIP

sorry to hear dude…R.I.P.

Probably not the best thing to say in a suicide thread, especially since the kid hung himself.

Ugh, that sucks. Sorry to hear man. :frowning:

Damn. Very sorry to hear Yetti. Hang in there man


i was his friend on his wreasling team and football team gave the kid rides home all the time in the winter when i seen him walking he was in 11th and i couldnt even go to school to day this has my head fucked he didnt even say bye to me.

trust me i know how this feels. RIP and keep your head up.

Terrible stuff. RIP.

Sorry for your loss.

Suicide is such a selfish act.

i’m sorry man, i know you always had fun with coaching the kids and were close with them.

Damn Jim, I am sorry to hear that. I didnt sign on yesterday and see this so i didnt know what you were talking about yesterday when you called. I just dont know what goes through someones head sometimes, I just cant comprehend doing something like that. fucking crazy how it seems to happen to the people you think are the farthest from that sort of action.

RIP to him, and keep your head up Jim.

Sorry man never an easy thing to go through.

Sorry for your losss Jimmy.R.I.P.I am sad just like you,we just lost a family friend today in a motorcycle accident…

Sorry to hear, Its always a bad thing when people feel they need to end their life. I hope his family gets through this troubled time

this sucks man ,like shady ill keep comments to myself but its shitty any way ya look at it