Junior Seau - Dead

Heard this on the radio earlier. not to many details out. Looks be be that he committed suicide. They suspected that he tried to kill himself a couple years ago.


I don’t understand why rich people commit suicide. Use your wealth and fame to help others if you are so bored with “normalcy”.

Let me count aloud how many fucks I have to give about this…

Zero, zero, zero, zero, zero…

Nope just can’t get past zero.

Not even the rich factor. guy had 4 fucking kids. Dude is a coward and deserves to be dead.

Apparently he agreed with you… lol. Too soon?:ohnoes

I don’t think its as simple as he pussyed out. He wasn’t broke and had been secluded hes on of many nfl players that have had untreated depression issues going back to head traumas from years of abuse in the NFL. Interested to see what they find in autopsy. Its sad they didnt look into further years ago when he drove his truck off a cliff

Yeah, im willing to bet it had something to do with the trauma to his head over the years. Seen time and time again where they find that out about football players, makes their brains do crazy stuff

Poor kids…