Junior Seau Dead, Apparent suicide

Says he texted his wife and 2 kids “love you” randomally yesterday. Shot himself in the chest today. They assume the chest was the target for the same reason former nfl player Dave Deurson did last year. So his brain could be donated for research, claiming the hits in football caused him to be mentally unstable.


Saw this on twitter for a while now. Terrible news.

Someone I didn’t know who got paid to much money to play a sport killed themselves…

this is something like the 8th player from the 94’ Chargers superbowl team to die.

Guy took a lot of hits to the head. Not a good day regardless. I can’t imagine that is an easy thing to deal with all your life after having that many issues from concussions.

man i feel bad for the person who has to clean that mess up



People do it everyday as their job.

Good Read, even if you read just the first few paragraphs.

Nothing but a week minded person. O well i will still sleep tonight


I won’t lose sleep. I’m grilling bacon burgers right now, he’s not.

This has to make you wonder how little we truly know on how concussions affect the brain.


Pretty sure that’s an ignorant statement considering you know nothing about the guy.

he took the week way out so i would say it is pretty honest,

I now know that he wasn’t bulletproof. Who gives a fuck. Oh poor nfl star with millions of dollars offs himself. Fucking good. I’m sure he had so many problems being so wealthy that he crumbled under the magnitude and had to off himself. Fuck him. Trying having real fucking problems like an incurable tumor or end stage cancer you pathetic fuck.


Sorry, had to.

Iphone auto type

LOL you guys get your kicks by acting tough on NYSPEED? This guy had legitimate problems from concussions. He tried driving his car off a cliff last year…the was probably a failed suicide. I can’t imagine what you guys must think about military guys that take their lives, are they taking the easy way out too?

It’s not acting tough…

You’re comparing some millionaire ex football player who killed him self vs People who went into battle to protect their country and your freedom.

Nothing was stopping him from leaving football after the first concussion.