T.O. Tried to kill himself! ! ! !

Didnt see this posted yet…

holy crap…I mean I knew he was messed up in hte head and the pressure didn’t help but DAMN!

holy fuck. that dude is fucked in the head. what a waste

meds will do that… but not with some help from the crazies in the head


who cares, he is a waste of space.

I hate to agree with hm being a waste and not caring when someone tries to kill themselves, but seriously wtf.

Well, now the Cowboys got burned by him as well.

:word: :applause:

I would miss TO.
I don’t get why everyone hates him.

prescription pills…what a pussy.

He values attention more than money. Kinda like Newman.:wave:

hahahaha ^

when he showed up to practice in a USPS bicycle jersey this off season cause he knew that he would only be using the bike all day i lol’d. He obviously has mental issues, there are fucked up people everywhere but, TO lives under a microscope.

dude what is wrong with you people, a guy is almost dead, its one thing if u dont like the guy, but at least have some remorse for the situation!

what situation?

A situation where the guy makes $10-12M/year (w/endorsements), and will do anything for attention. He deserves what HE did to HIMSELF.

ahahahh yeah right, he brings this shit on himself.

you think he did this for attention?


Why else?

ah too bad they saved him.

yeah i’m sorry he is not a true suicide’r. He failed for a few reason, one he told on him self, second he only downed a few pills, third which is the most important he didn’t finish the job.


man…T.O. don’t even like T.O…