T.O. apology

what a bunch on BS :bluez28:

can his ass.

fuck him

fuck T.O.

Randy Moss > T.O.


meanwhile TO is the best reciever philly has.

i think a lot of this has to do with how shitty mcnabb and some of those douches are… i hate mcnabb.

I hate owens because he is a prick that thinks hes the best ever when chad johnson and steve smith for example are wayyy better.
And then I really hate him cause hes from philli. I’ve been there and I hate it. I hate the eagles, flyers, and sixers (but i dont really care about pro b-ball).
Down with Philli! :madfawk:

I’m not a big McNabb fan, but come on. The guy is playing with at least 3 serious injuries (broken breastbone, sports hernia, and i think something with his ankle or knee or something). Now, I don’t think he’s going to be great with those injuries, but he’s still a top 6 or 7 QB in the league, IMO

fuck em both, they are both locker room cancers. Randy is where he belongs, in oakland. in fact they should have a whole just of guys like that. I hate the cowboys more than anything but when George Teauge hammered T.O. for dancing on the star, that was like the greatest NFL moment in the past 10 years.

i want to see mcnabb’s mom knock TO the fuck out with a family size can of chunky soup.

still hate mcnabb… still think to is a good reciever

the soup that hits like a brick

i took a brick to the head once… maybe Mrs McNabb needs something bigger for T.O.

who threw it? silver? if she gives him a fat lip it will swell up to cover his whole face


Seriously that interception at the end of their last game was pathetic. It was right to the D.

That right there is what seperates one of the physically most talented QBs ever in the league (McNabb) who will NEVER be known as a great from somebody who was shorter, slower and physically weaker who will forever be known as one of, if not the, best to ever play the game like Joe Montana. Down by a TD, late in the 4th, with possesion that’s where Joe was unstopable. No way he’s throwing that interception. No way. The game was in McNabb’s hands, he scrambles or even eats the sack and they are still alive. Yet he gets flustered and throws the big interception. Pathetic.


PS- T.O. sux wang.

some kid in an early-90s Cavalier in Dormont… I never saw it coming… thought I got shot… I could see a little bit of my skull in the rear view mirror of my friend’s K-car when I blotted the blood away. Tied a t-shirt over it… by the time we got to Mercy the T-shirt was drenched in blood.

Fun times.

i like TO. he does act the fool somtimes but hes still cool.

mcnabb leads the league in passing with a crazy asshole reciever in a city that boo’d him on draft day. other than his 2-1 td to pic ratio he’s the second darker coming of brett farve.

philly’s an evil place… i remember growing up, going to 76ers games, and seeing the biggest assholes on earth in the stands… throwing shit at their own players, picking fights with each other, et cetera…

we need to build a wall around that city and forget it exists.

my brothers in school there now, he says the same thing. hate everyone when something goes bad, showboat and brag the second it’s right. no loyalty to the teams, no idea what they’re even mad about. hasn’t met one philly fan yet that understood defensive schemes… just McNabb sucks, cheesecake, cheesesteak, wooo eagles you all suck, mc nabb sucks. but don’t ask them why something is good or why it sucks bc their head might explode.