So mcnabb says black qb's under more pressure in the nfl

African-American quarterbacks face more pressure and more criticism than their white counterparts, Philadelphia Eagles QB Donovan McNabb says in an interview scheduled to air on HBO on Tuesday night. McNabb

McNabb, in an interview on “Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel,” tells interviewer James Brown that African-American quarterbacks such as himself face added pressure because there are fewer black QBs – and because some still don’t want black athletes playing the position.

“There’s not that many African-American quarterbacks, so we have to do a little bit extra,” McNabb tells HBO. “Because the percentage of us playing this position, which people didn’t want us to play … is low, so we do a little extra.”

Later in the interview, Brown presses McNabb on criticism of his performance – and if African-American QBs are graded more harshly.

"I pass for 300 yards, our team wins by seven, [mimicking] ‘Ah, he could’ve made this throw, they would have scored if he did this,’ " McNabb tells HBO.
“Doesn’t every quarterback go through that?” Brown asks.

“Not everybody,” McNabb replies.

Brown then asks if the media is tougher on him than on white quarterbacks such as Carson Palmer and Peyton Manning.

“Let me start by saying I love those guys,” McNabb tells HBO. “But they don’t get criticized as much as we do. They don’t.”

In the interview, McNabb also talks to Brown about playing in Philadelphia, a city known for passionate sports fans who aren’t afraid to criticize the city’s pro athletes.

“Every year I’m part of some criticism,” McNabb tells HBO. "But every day that we go through life, you’re faced with a lot of adversity. Now the answer is how do you handle the adversity. How do you respond?

“I try to handle myself with class. I try to handle myself with dignity. I think sometimes people look to players to act out, speak loudly, pretty much be an idiot. But that’s not me.”

Whats all of your views on this. I will say he plays QB in the nfl deal with it pressure is part of the job. Also i beleave people pulling the race card on issues such as this non issue here accually sets back efforts to get rid of the real racisim that still does exist. I can’t stand when i here the comment its cause im black not even balck i have friends that say its cause im jewish isnt it. I mean im not dense i know there is still racism in this country but what do you want a pity party because you make 7 million a year so the media puts you under a microscope.

dam, i wish i was black.

i like mcnabb, but this is a bunch of horse shit.

what the fuck else is new, just play fucking football

I watched the game last night and his passing was terrible. His recievers were running perfect routes and he would just totally miss them. He needs to fix his game and stop complaining.

if you want to see pressure, try white cornerbacks
or running backs
or wide receivers, at least there are a couple of those

mcnabb is such a crybaby

waaa waaa waa. then play with a better team asshole!

maybe if he didn’t blow so many passes and loose to washington he wouldn’t be under pressure

but I can’t complain since I was against who ever had him as QB in FF

i think you meant *lose … seriously, english isn’t that hard…

mcnabb definitely underperformed last night. but he was driving them for a potentially tying score… then a receiver dropped the ball.

but this bitching and moaning about it being “so hard” needs to quit though. yeah it’s “so hard” doing something you love, making millions, and being the idol of millions of fans. wake up brother!


maybe if he didn’t blow so many passes and loose to washington he wouldn’t be under pressure

but I can’t complain since I was against who ever had him as QB in FF


Well there’s one reason why racism will never be totally gone: Some people are not above using it as a convenient excuse for themselves.

Warren Moon didn’t have these complaints.
Shit, when Cunningham played for the Eagles he didn’t bitch either, and he was 10 -15 years earlier.

Wasn’t McNabb a first rounder, too?


Well there’s one reason why racism will never be totally gone: Some people are not above using it as a convenient excuse for themselves.


Why does Donovan McNabb need an excuse he is an elite pro bowl quarterback. If he was a bottom of the barrel quarterback then that would be a valid arguement but he isnt.

He was asked a question he answered it truthfully. Racism will never be gone because when people say anything that is referencing race they are automatically using the race card. But regardless i suppose he isnt allowed to speak candidly without criticism. The responsibilities of being a pro athlete or something.

I’m sure ill get 15 response how im just an angry prick who pulls the race card all the time but oh well. Donovan is one of the most stand - up, intelligent guys in the league so just maybe he may know something we dont.

Everyone knows that Black’s aren’t smart enough to be a QB


I’m sure ill get 15 response how im just an angry prick who pulls the race card all the time but oh well. Donovan is one of the most stand - up, intelligent guys in the league so just maybe he may know something we dont.


No he is not, he does nothing but complain, the fact the Eagles drafter another QB he complained, with him and TO he complained that TO said something bad about him. He pulls a lot of bullshit to make it seem like he is a pitty party. He is a Pro Bowl QB and is not under the scrutiny because of his race but because of his lack of playing like the pro bowl QB he is.


No he is not, he does nothing but complain, the fact the Eagles drafter another QB he complained, with him and TO he complained that TO said something bad about him. He pulls a lot of bullshit to make it seem like he is a pitty party. .


JEff Garcia did the exact same thing :shrug: , but everyone said it was T.O.'s fault then. McNabb has a similar personality clash and now it’s McNabb that’s crying?

Nope, no double standard here.

no its the fact that yes sometimes the race card can be pulled but people throw it around like its nothing. Example: Mcdonalds drive thru screws up my order i dont go in and say you screwed it up because im white where as i HAVE Seen and been apart of similar situations when african amercains say you screwed up cause im black. This is the problem i have with the race card. Mcnabb has done nothing but whine about everything hes not playing good and if he thinks that he is getting it becauses hes black then he should see what bills fans are saying about losman. O but i forgot losman is Hispanic so thats why we put pressure on him


Mcnabb has done nothing but whine about everything hes not playing good



Ok, McNabb is asked a question about his opinion on African American QBs on a news show, and he answers candidly. Now he’s whining because he didn’t play well?

That’s funny, because reading the press conference transcripts from the game last night he said that his play was poor and his team’s play was poor. I didn’t hear him mention anything about being an African American QB when they interviewed him after the game.

So how exactly is that whining?

Show me one GAME transcript or POST GAME interview where Donovan McNabb ever said " I didn’t play well because I’m a black QB and I’m always being criticized ? :confused:

Just one where he didn’t take ownership for his bad play and pulled “the race card”. Copy and paste the link.

sounds like a whiney african american who probably uses the “race card” on just about anything he can. I guess the eagles gave him a huge contract and are paying him millions to just pressure him more do to being african american. Shit, i bet somewhere out there, a parade for the rights of black QB’s is being assembled right now.:lol: gimme a break, in todays day in age it doesnt matter what color you are. If your a QB your gunna get picked apart by the media and fans.