So mcnabb says black qb's under more pressure in the nfl

i think that was a stupid question to ask, but thats just me

and i think 66 is in the vast minority in taking TO’s side vs. McNabb, so i wouldnt consider that a double standard


no its the fact that yes sometimes the race card can be pulled but people throw it around like its nothing. Example: Mcdonalds drive thru screws up my order i dont go in and say you screwed it up because im white where as i HAVE Seen and been apart of similar situations when african amercains say you screwed up cause im black. This is the problem i have with the race card. Mcnabb has done nothing but whine about everything hes not playing good and if he thinks that he is getting it becauses hes black then he should see what bills fans are saying about losman. O but i forgot losman is Hispanic so thats why we put pressure on him


Um i think you are reaching on the mcdonalds analogy but ill follow your lead there. So because you saw one maybe two incidents of some people using the race card in what clearly is a meaning less situation that means that every time race is referenced it is the same type of situation? The thing is this was videotaped a few weeks ago before the season started so it has nothing to do with how he’s playing in fact before he got hurt last year he was on his way to an MVP season. So the losman point is moot.

Like i said before he was asked a question and he answered it truthfully he didnt call a press conference and say god damn it i’m tired of being treated less than fair for being black. I guess he should have said fuck my own integrity and just give the response that will cause the least amount of stir among people.:gotme:



Ok, McNabb is asked a question about his opinion on African American QBs on a news show, and he answers candidly. Now he’s whining because he didn’t play well?

That’s funny, because reading the press conference transcripts from the game last night he said that his play was poor and his team’s play was poor. I didn’t hear him mention anything about being an African American QB when they interviewed him after the game.

So how exactly is that whining?

Show me one GAME transcript or POST GAME interview where Donovan McNabb ever said " I didn’t play well because I’m a black QB and I’m always being criticized ? :confused:

Just one where he didn’t take ownership for his bad play and pulled “the race card”. Copy and paste the link.


You just said it yourself he himself said he played poorly but he also says taht he get criticized more because he is african american. In reality it is because hes not playing good and if the media criticizes black qbs more then why are they all over vince youngs balls when he has marginable qb skills at best i feel like its the second coming of vick where he cuold throe 5 ints in a game but run for 1 and he is a god. Thats how the media has treated young and used to treat vick. So this mcnabb crap is bulllshit if it bothers him that much he needs to rtire i mean wth he only plays a full season everyother year anyway


Um i think you are reaching on the mcdonalds analogy but ill follow your lead there. So because you saw one maybe two incidents of some people using the race card in what clearly is a meaning less situation that means that every time race is referenced it is the same type of situation? The thing is this was videotaped a few weeks ago before the season started so it has nothing to do with how he’s playing in fact before he got hurt last year he was on his way to an MVP season. So the losman point is moot.

Like i said before he was asked a question and he answered it truthfully he didnt call a press conference and say god damn it i’m tired of being treated less than fair for being black. I guess he should have said fuck my own integrity and just give the response that will cause the least amount of stir among people.:gotme:


i understand what your saying and I DO think that the race card has times it should be used but i think its thrown around to freely by most people and defnitly in this situation.


i think that was a stupid question to ask, but thats just me

and i think 66 is in the vast minority in taking TO’s side vs. McNabb, so i wouldnt consider that a double standard


I fucking hate TO, if he was a prime example he wouldn’t have commented on it and just make TO look like the dick he is, but he did say something right back at him. That was the point that was trying to be made

let me also ask you do you beleave african americans show racism towards white people? If you do then why pull the race card when they do it towards african americans. Either way i think its wrong but theres another double standard for ya. Also in no way do i want to sound racist and people that know me and my situation know that im not im just trying to make a point.


Why does Donovan McNabb need an excuse he is an elite pro bowl quarterback. If he was a bottom of the barrel quarterback then that would be a valid arguement but he isnt.

He was asked a question he answered it truthfully. Racism will never be gone because when people say anything that is referencing race they are automatically using the race card. But regardless i suppose he isnt allowed to speak candidly without criticism. The responsibilities of being a pro athlete or something.


You totally missed the point. He was basically saying “People criticize me so much because I’m black.” No?

He is claiming that he is criticized so much because he is black. I would argue that, as his performance is what is criticized, he is criticized for his performance. Makes sense, no?

From there I try to understand why he would deny that people are truly criticizing his performance and only his performance, but instead claim that they are criticizing him for being black. So I draw the conclusion that his feelings get hurt by his performance being the reason for his criticism, so he blames his skin color (which is beyond his control and allows him to feel like a helpless victim) for the reason for his criticism. Reasonable, no?


let me also ask you do you beleave african americans show racism towards white people? If you do then why pull the race card when they do it towards african americans. Either way i think its wrong but theres another double standard for ya. Also in no way do i want to sound racist and people that know me and my situation know that im not im just trying to make a point.


its ok for the black person to be racist towards the white folk, but when the tables are turned all hell breaks loose.

Double standard at its finest.


let me also ask you do you beleave african americans show racism towards white people? If you do then why pull the race card when they do it towards african americans. Either way i think its wrong but theres another double standard for ya. Also in no way do i want to sound racist and people that know me and my situation know that im not im just trying to make a point.


You are retarded :lol: I mean keep reaching, but broad generalizations aren’t helping you man. Of course some African Americans show racism just like any other race (Caucasian, Asian, Indian, etc), and in varying degrees at that. So what’s your point? Everyone pulls the race card.


You totally missed the point. He was basically saying “People criticize me so much because I’m black.” No?

He is claiming that he is criticized so much because he is black. I would argue that, as his performance is what is criticized, he is criticized for his performance. Makes sense, no?


Then you are missing his point. He is not talking about his recent performance being criticized. He’s talking about the overall picture of how the black QB is criticized not only in mainstream football, but BY THEIR OWN AFRICAN AMERICAN COMMUNITY. Or did you guys miss that part?

Still waiting for proof that McNabb whines about being black instead of taking responsibility for his play or his teams play when the Eagles lose …


You totally missed the point. He was basically saying “People criticize me so much because I’m black.” No?

He is claiming that he is criticized so much because he is black. I would argue that, as his performance is what is criticized, he is criticized for his performance. Makes sense, no?

From there I try to understand why he would deny that people are truly criticizing his performance and only his performance, but instead claim that they are criticizing him for being black. So I draw the conclusion that his feelings get hurt by his performance being the reason for his criticism, so he blames his skin color (which is beyond his control and allows him to feel like a helpless victim) for the reason for his criticism. Reasonable, no?


In that context you are 100% right but he didnt say he is only judged based on his race just that his race adds a bit more on top…from reading it thats what I inferred but i could be wrong


its ok for the black person to be racist towards the white folk, but when the tables are turned all hell breaks loose.

Double standard at its finest.


Who said it was ok? Where is it ok?


Why does Donovan McNabb need an excuse he is an elite pro bowl quarterback. If he was a bottom of the barrel quarterback then that would be a valid arguement but he isnt.

He was asked a question he answered it truthfully. Racism will never be gone because when people say anything that is referencing race they are automatically using the race card. But regardless i suppose he isnt allowed to speak candidly without criticism. The responsibilities of being a pro athlete or something.

I’m sure ill get 15 response how im just an angry prick who pulls the race card all the time but oh well. Donovan is one of the most stand - up, intelligent guys in the league so just maybe he may know something we dont.


I agree that there is nothing wrong with what he said because it’s HIS opinion and is entitled to it. I think it is a joke however. He is a QB, they get the brunt of everything win or lose. If wonders why Manning or Plamer don’t get the same treatment, its because they haven’t lost the last 6 games they started in. I don’t think its about race when you go from the top to the bottom, it’s more of a way out and to get people off of the fact that hes playing like garbage.


I agree that there is nothing wrong with what he said because it HIS opinion and is entitled to it. I think it is a joke however. He is a QB, they get the brunt of everything win or lose. If wonders why Manning or Plamer don’t get the same treatment, its because they haven’t lost the last 6 games they started in. I don’t think its about race when you go from the top to the bottom, it’s more of a way out and to get people off of the fact that hes playing like garbage.


The thing wrong with what he said is that he is a public figure if thats his opinion then fine but what about Rush it was his opinon that rutgers has nappy headed hos and he got fired why because its not politcally correct and hes a public figure. Same goes with mcnabb when your in the public eye you have to be politically correct no matter what.

o and your proof as i said before is the whole article that is posted


its ok for the black person to be racist towards the white folk, but when the tables are turned all hell breaks loose.

Double standard at its finest.


No it’s not ok, but as long as everyone keeps thinking this way then racism will always be here to stay.

Later in the interview, Brown presses McNabb on criticism of his performance – and if African-American QBs are graded more harshly.

"I pass for 300 yards, our team wins by seven, [mimicking] ‘Ah, he could’ve made this throw, they would have scored if he did this,’ " McNabb tells HBO.

“Doesn’t every quarterback go through that?” Brown asks.

“Not everybody,” McNabb replies.

YES THEY ALL do no matter the color of the skin


No it’s not ok, but as long as everyone keeps thinking this way then racism will always be here to stay.


But this is what im saying thats all if people continue to think because they are white,black,hispanic whatever that that is the reason they are failing they are wrong and it does nothing but hurt the situation.

Well I for one am arguing purely because I’m bored and enjoy a good debate. :headbang: I’ll leave the rest of the thread to those of you who actually care about him or whether or not black QB’s are more criticized than white QB’s.


The thing wrong with what he said is that he is a public figure if thats his opinion then fine but what about Rush it was his opinon that rutgers has nappy headed hos and he got fired why because its not politcally correct and hes a public figure. Same goes with mcnabb when your in the public eye you have to be politically correct no matter what.


Mcnabb is giving an opinion about what happens in his own life, and how he feels he is being treated. Rush made racial comments that had nothing to do with his personal life or himself.

You know I love to debate Bikerfry, so i’m in for the same :tup:


Mcnabb is giving an opinion about what happens in his own life, and how he feels he is being treated. Rush made racial comments that had nothing to do with his personal life or himself.

You know I love to debate Bikerfry, so i’m in for the same :tup:


True but either way they are both public statements of opinons thats like going up to your african american boss and saying hey your chalkey elbowed freak in rushs case to now lets change the roles you are african american and say to your boss I think because i am black i havent gotten a promotion in 6 years and it has nothing to do for the fact that i am late for work all the time and when i am here people sometimes question if i really am here. But no i havent gotten anywhere cause im black

Eh, it was Don Imus that used “nappy headed hoes” and got booted, but w/e
