Motorcyclist wins taping case against state police

Hmm, a Pruski. I was a friend with a Pruski in HS. Seriously doubt he became a cop though. I thought his mom was a Sherriff though, or something like that. Yeah, def. scary. I mean, some guy tried to pull in front of me with a regular vehicle, jumped out and pulled a gun. I can say, it’d probably not end well. How do you know they are a cop on a rant or some crazy lunetic with a gun. What do they think they are doing. Especially if they are in their personal car with no lights. Another thing, NYS is a concealed carry state for carring a pistol. Unless you are showing a badge. As far as I’ve been told. Man, sorry it happened to you. My first thought would be to jet out of there too.

I believe city/village municipalities can pull you over in a undercover car. But I think undercover car still has to have lights on it. A cops personal vehicle should never have that, that I know of. Agian, all stuff I wish I knew. Wish I knew the letter of the law.

And go and make a complaint. See how many cops follow you everyday to work. You’d have your own escort, that’s for sure. Waiting for you to mess up.