Arrested for video taping police from your front yard

Surprised a thread hasn’t been started about this yet.

She’s due in court today. I’m guessing the charges will be dropped. What I’d like to see is the police force get hit with a million dollar or so civil rights violation case. A number like that would wake these idiot police departments up across the country and force them to train their officers a bit better.

Shame that you can’t recover legal costs incurred defending your rights…

Ya I saw that floatin around. Its pretty crazy esp after the Arizona police files dump that cops are worried so much about being filmed. Maybe they should clean up their act and not be on such power trips when dealing with the public and people won’t be so fast to record them.

Also, I agree with Fry. It sucks people can sue you and you can’t sure back for attorney fees you lost defending yourself.

Agreed^ Also if you sue and lose the case there should be some accountablility for that too, in order to keep stupid law suits from being filed.

I wonder how close the lady was standing to the cop? on the sidewalk or actually in her yard? Was the car pulled over close to the curb by her yard? I kind of understand why the cop might get pissed off about it if she was standing 4 feet away from him…

And she was arrested for not following his request, not the videotaping. :shrug:

Meh, she should have listened to them, but I really DGAF.


Yeah, but his request had no legal basis. She was within her rights to be in her yard filming. The cop made up some garbage “we don’t feel safe with you standing behind us” excuse. She even offered to move back, but refused to go inside the house like he wanted.

And charges dismissed.

In court papers, Good’s attorney, Assistant Public Defender Stephanie Stare, had requested that the charge be dismissed for lack of evidence.

Stare noted that, under the law, Good would have needed to use intimidation, force or “interference” to disrupt the police traffic stop. Good was 10 to 15 feet from the police and doing nothing to interfere with them, Stare argued in court papers.

The dismissal of the criminal charge, however, may not bring an immediate end to the controversy. Police say they have started an internal investigation into whether Good’s arrest by Officer Mario Masic was justified. Also, Good is considering a civil lawsuit, according to local lawyer Donald Thompson.

Normally I’m against the whole suing for everything mentality, but this is one of those cases where I hope she does and I hope she wins big enough that every police department in the country is forced to take notice.

I believe that in Canada if you are sueing for a certain amount of money, you need to have half the amount in an escrow account if I recall correctly. I believe it is Canada that has this in place

i really dislike cops

I think Texas is working on that.

the big question in from all of this: can you disobey an officer’s order because you believe him/her wrong?

I think when they started filming/recording everything the public does it really never dawned on them that we would eventually be taping everything the government does. Idiots.

You can disobey anyone you want. Repercussions are just different depending on whom you have disobeyed. The officer that you are disobeying better be damn sure of him/her self before reprimanding you for your actions because the repercussions to them could be a demotion, suspension, termination etc… The reproductions to you for disobeying depending on the situation could be arrest, tasering, or you could just get shot and killed.

As an free individual you have the right to do whatever the fuck you want, just be sure that you are prepared for the consequences of your actions.

You can preach about your rights all you want, but in the end, what can you do? Police officers will do what they think is right, regardless of what you say. You can disobey, but in the end, you’ll just end up detained/arrested.

Well duh. Officers can’t give orders any more than you or I can. Cops are just people whose job it is to enforce the law. Their only authority comes from the point of a gun. We are all responsible for our own actions.

This is kinda funny, I watched it the other day…

Last week Shredd and Ragan were talking about something similar to this that happened in Thursday in the Square with a guy recording a Transit K9 unit. The PO didn’t like the fact that some guy was recording the police dog pissing on a tree and threatened to arrest him if he didn’t stop recording and even kick his ass. Apparently this happened last year but the video has just recently come to light.

There’s some profanity if you’re at work.

LOL, now that is funny… I wonder what happened next.


Its the consequence part that everyone seems to ignore / haveforgotten / never been taught.