For the dumb kid (pitman) that posts the dumb police videos

You missed this one. This on actually is a little absurd unlike the shit you rant about.

So ridiculous.

People always have problems when they try to video tape police in, oh I don’t know, like China or North Korea…:rofl

Well I guess freedom is not free?

Since when have law enforcement officials not be accountable for their actions. Personally I think they should all have to wear some version of a go pro, since they are entrusted with an massive amount of power. My pitman post for the month, but serriously I think their should be more accountability for law enforcement these days.

they have dash cams and some of them due the dumbest shit even when they know its there and they are on. I am pro police for every bad one there is a good one which is like most any other profession in the world. When i watch this video i couldn’t get how over the top absurd this douche was.

  • rep for coming up with pitman’s name i couldn’t find his stupid post or remember the idiots name

Illegal to tape cops in some states now. FYI.

Yea, not NY though. What’s with the bullshit charge anyway, “obstructing government administration” WTF?

I loved all her smart ass answers… They only lasted so long though before she was crying like a little bitch.

Lesson of the day: don’t videotape cops doing their jobs.

everyone acts hard until they are wearing silver bracelets.

thats what I loved about the video… It’d be one thing if she was dissin the cops while getting arreasted like “yo son my lawyers gon burry yo ass ni99a” but instead she cried like a little bitch.

I didn’t see her “acting hard” at all, she was well within her rights and the cop took it too far.

Bro, I hate 90% of cops and I even think this woman was being a cunt.

Are you serious right now?

looks like you need to get yourself a NYS Penal code book and read up on Obstruction 2nd degree.

all the cop haters will be the first to cry for the police when the heat is on and they need help.

Silently obstructing from 20ft away while positioned on her front lawn… whatever, I think it’s a bullshit charge and I bet that the judge will think so too. Why didn’t he ask the neighbor to go inside? Or the other guy on her property? Oh, because they weren’t filming and that was OBVIOUSLY the issue here. Don’t pretend like the cop was trying to protect himself from harm, he was just not happy that he might be held accountable for doing something wrong (not that he did or would).



Being a cunt isn’t against the law no matter how much you want it to be LOL.

:rofl I love that video.