T.O. goes to Cowboys

Discuss… :slight_smile:

i hope T.O. DIES. he’s a piece of trash… the cowboys will be contenders though this year.

yea…i can’t wait to see how long it takes TO and bledsoe to fight :slight_smile:

Kinda ironic if you ask me. He danced on the star a couple years ago as an insult and know he’ll be wearing it.

first td he scores, he will run to the star again, put his arms out, and crowd will go nuts

good call…he wont last…he has to big of a fucking ego

ee hee hee… his website is freaking hilarious.

Poll: How important to you is a TD’s Celebration?
Dont Allow
Dont Care
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It Makes The Game!

oh yeah, turn the sound on. lmao.
“i’m back… and I’m gettin’ this chedda…” :lol:
and the money line!!! ahahahahahaha!

I wish he didn’t play anymore… he’s an ass.

I will always love TO for calling out the hypocrisy in the NFL.

Ray Lewis on trial for killing people = OK
Celebrating a TD with a Sharpie = Disgrace to football.

TO :tup:

You knew it was coming as soon as they released Keyshawn. It will be funny to watch TO yell and Dreadful to get him the ball more. Oh how the world is good sometimes…have fun with all those personalities…Owens, Parcells, Jones, Bledsoe :lol:

well, better than the bullshit thats going on over the one bills drive

this season: worst bills season ever

but I dont think Parcells will take any of his shit though

^^^ agreed

But its amazing to watch T.O and Moss when they weren’t the # 1, when they backed up Rice and Carter. SOOOO HUMBLE and modest. Arrogant pricks now.

oh helllllllllllllll no. Parcells will not deal with any of his bullshit at all. There was a segment about it this morning on sportcenter.

that’s why i can’t wait for TO to get mad at him…cause parcells will tear him a new asshole