TO attempts suicide

this guy is all fucked up

DALLAS (Sept. 27) - A police report says Dallas Cowboys receiver Terrell Owens attempted suicide by taking pain medication. Owens reportedly put two more pills into his mouth even after fire rescue personnel arrived.

Reportedly Taken to
A Dallas police report released Wednesday morning said Owens told rescue workers “that he was depressed.” The report was first released by WFAA-TV.

The rescue worker “noticed that (his) prescription pain medication was empty and observed (Owens) putting two pills in his mouth,” the police report said.

The worker attempted to pry them out with her fingers, then was told by Owens that before this incident he’d taken only five of the 40 pain pills in the bottle he’d emptied. The worker then asked Owens “if he was attempting to harm himself, at which time (he) stated, `Yes.”’

The 32-year-old player broke his right hand Sept. 17 against the Washington Redskins .

Owens had surgery the following day.

Initial reports indicated Owens was hospitalized last night after a reaction to pain medication.

geez… I guess thats what happens when your whole world falls apart.

its a shame it didnt work


should have went out and got him another bottle.


That is sad. I just saw a biography of TO on tv Monday night. Maybe Steelers can make a trade and get him to come to Pittsburgh for cheap now. :dunno: At least get 1 or 2 good seasons out of him after his hand heals.

him and chad johnson should team up and swap pain killers

publicity stunt

___ loves the attention

and by ____ i mean T.O.

Read that ^^^

I guess fame/attention is getting the best of him?



too cocky.

he’ll prob still think he’s some big deal. Send him off to the mental hospital with Ray Finkle from ace ventura…

“laces out!”

hahaha “Halftime!”

this may just be another ploy for attention, but if it’s legit I feel sorry for him

How has his world fallen apart? This piece of shit has absolutely everything going for him. Just another asshole that wants as much attention as possible. He is no better than a 4 year old throwing a temper tantrum in a Wal-Mart.

Its just a finger, no need to get the mad about it!

geez for someone thing so much of himself, crazy to think he would do that. maybe the fan/ team disliking finally got to him. sucks to hear because regardless of his disposition, he is a damn fine athlete.


Exactly. Ever heard the old cliche, fall in a pile of shit, come out smelling like a rose? I think it’s a shame he wasn’t made to go play in the CFL or NFL Europe. He should never have been left to come back to the NFL. Good athlete or not, he’s a detriment to whatever team he plays for.

TO did a press thing. He denied the suicide attempt

imagine that