T.O. Tried to kill himself! ! ! !


I have no pity for people like him. I wish he would have killed himself.

bah… now they are saying he did not try to kill himself.

waiting for the press conference now. can’t wait to see what he has to say

" I NEED ATTENTION…THATs RIGHT ATTENTION! I haven’t been in the endzone much lately to showboat so I need to make up for it"

You people are fucking ridiculous. You wish he would have died? Why? Because he showboats and wants attention? Because he is a great player but isn’t a great team player? Big fucking deal. That’s no reason to wish the guy died. You guys are fuckin’ idiotic.

The facts need to come out on whether this was an attempt or an accidental mixture of pills and supplements, as some reports are now saying.

Either way, this fuckface has managed to tie up every sports TV and radio show, ALL FUCKING DAY. T.O. wins again.

The article I read said that when police arrived he stuffed more pills into his mouth and when asked if he was trying to hurt himself he said yes…

That may be true, but now there is conflicting reports.

I think there is a cover up in progress.


It’s not that he showboats, or does any of that crap. It’s the fact that he has been given a great gift of being able to play a sport really well, is getting paid rediculous amounts of money to do it, and now does something like this?? That is idiotic. If he doesn’t want to deal with any of it anymore, why not just quit, take his money, retire young, and live the rest of his life like a king. No he’s got to be a little bitch about it and do something stupid. That’s why I wish he would have killed himself.
Now if it was somehow an accident, then thats another story. I don’t wish death on him for no reason at all. But for being so immature to pull something like this, then yeah go ahead and kill yourself.

i agree and disagree with the TO hating. yes he’s an amazing athlete and yadda yadda, but the guy has mental issues and you shouldn’t be wishing that he died. what if your aunt as a great artist, but had mental problems… is it cool to say that bitch would be better off dead?

anyway, what a beast TO is, he handled 30-35 of those pills in a day and took it like a man. those toned stomach muscles had to come into play eventually…

best memory of TO:

game VERSUS dallas when he kept going out to midfield and spiking the ball on the center star until someone on dallas tried to plow him :rofl:

:word: Woodson layed him out :tup: :tup:

I dont wish death on T.O., I just think hes an idiot and its too bad he is and it takes away from the talent that god gave him.

im still at work listening to it on the edge, sounds blown out of proportion imho

TO is a waste anyways

is TO a 16yr old white boy?

pill suicide attempt definitly = cry for help… he couldn’t find another way to express his turmoil so he ate some pills then called the cops afraid that he might actually die… if he was serious he would have downed the whole bottle and went to bed “if” he really wanted to die… it’s a pussy way that’s not committed, you gotta figure you have atleast 2 hours to decide if you really want to die.

eating alot of pills and calling the cops afterward is just another way of saying i need to talk to somebody about my mental health and here’s my way of proving i’m serious.

i think most people are glad about it due to the fact that he seemingly has it all, “the good life” rich, famous, and talented. so he has no reason to be pulling this kind of shit.
i think every person in the world’s opinion who isn’t wealthy and famous believes that to be rich and famous would make them so happy that there is no reason to have any problems and that they are ungrateful and a bitch if they do…

no doubt it’d be great to be rich, but fuck being famous i wouldn’t want to live under the microscope i’d go broke from assaulting paparazzi.

My best memory of TO:

During a press conference where he was being yelled at for the Sharpie thing he said something to the effect of:

“I’m just out there having fun and everyone thinks I’m the worst person in football. Ray Lewis was accused of killing two people.”

You people are so gullible.

nobody knows what’s going on in his head except for him and it’s sad that he saw this as the only way out.

dude is in a low spot, and karma is a bitch. when life has some of you down that far, i only hope that people are going to applaude.

Dude is in a low spot? He’s got his big contract, and as soon as Drew Bledsoe develops some chemistry, he will start putting up numbers. There’s no low spot, at least not yet.

He didn’t try to commit suicide, the media definitely got carried away with the story. This is the typical run with the hot news/ don’t check your sources type deal the media always pulls. Everyone should have just remained calm until the doctors talked, but obviously that didn’t happen.

lol @ everyone applying logic to depression. It doesn’t work like that. The seratonin levels and stuff like that in his brain don’t know that he’s a rich pro football player. And when you’re actually depressed, not just sad, logic like “oh I’m rich and blessed with physical talent so I should be happy” isn’t worth dick squat.

Oh, and FYI money != happiness. You can be rich and have a shitty life at the same time. Ever hear of “sudden wealth syndrome?” I.E. there have been a lot of studies of lottery winners that show that life sucks after you come into a big jackpot like winning the lottery or a multi-million dollar sports contract.

I could care less about him as a football player, but as with anyone else with clinical depression I wish him the best.