T.O. Tried to kill himself! ! ! !

He doesn’t have clinical depression. What he does have is two weeks until he rolls into Philly to stick it to the Eagles. There is no way he’s commiting suicide before he proves them all wrong.

what goes on in your mind is way different from what your social-economic status is.

bikerfry said it best, And when you’re actually depressed, not just sad, logic like “oh I’m rich and blessed with physical talent so I should be happy” isn’t worth dick squat.

and he’s playing for dallas now…

Sweet Sweet IRONY

Exactly. This is the same guy that said, and I quote: "I LOVE ME SOME ME! "

Nobody that vain and self focused is gonna commit suicide. T.O. may be a little a little wacked in the head, but suicide never entered his train of thought. Just listen to the facts as they develop and you can easily tell that some serious miscomunication happened.

You think the hospital would have released him as fast as they did if they thought for a second that he was contemplating suicide? Hell no!

Now look at the thing that made this whole mess take off, the police report.

His publicist calls 911 saying that she was talking to him, and as time went on, he became less responsive/unresponsive than normal. She was scared enough to call 911, and I’m willing to bet she wasn’t very calm when the call was placed.

Here come the Dallas Police. They question him and file a report. :hay:

Now think about it:

This is the same Dallas police department that was proven to have made false statements against Eric Williams and Michael Irvin while they were playing for the Cowboys. This is the same incompetant bunch that still can’t figure out who shot John F. Kennedy for crying out loud. How the hell do you “question” somebody that is groggy, not making sense, incoherrant, and in dire enough a situation that he has to be rushed via ambulance to the hospital and admitted to an emergency room? And then take anything they say as fact? If that doesn’t smack of incompetance, then I dont’ know what does.

And then, the police department releases the report?! c’mon, you get into an accident and want your police report YOU CAN’T GET IT. You have to call your insurance company, give them the police report number and THEY have to get if for you. How the hell do you release a police report to the public just like that?

Come on people. I know most of you hate T.O., and that’s fine, he’s no angel in my eyes either, but let’s be objective and look at the facts. The cops fucked up, gave the media bad information, and they ran with it.

T.O. and the Cowboys only compounded the situation by calling a press conference. If he had just showed up to practice today, played in practice, and just said “Hey, it was a big misunderstanding, somebody obviously screwed up”, this whole thing would have been dead in the water.

People kill themselves by accident every day, if you fuck up a purposeful attempt, it just shows what a loser you are. If your gonna do it, then do it like a fuckin man and get it right. If not then your no better than a 16 year old girl that cuts herself looking for attention.


Add some vowels and there you have it.

I don’t believe for a second that it was accidental or anything else. Did he want to kill himself, absolutely not. He’s too full oif himself to do that. Did he want the spotlight back on him? Of course he did. He is an attention-monger.

Just watch how smug he is in the interview. He is completely eating it up.

said it all right there

fucking guy took 4 vicodin, theres no way anyone would take JUST 4 vicodin to commit suicide.

4 vicodin + many beers = one hella fun night at the bar

Dallas police backpedal faster than Champ Bailey:



it definitly was not a serious omg i really want to die and kill myself thing

he was for sure trying to get attention because he craves it more than newman by beck squared…

and it does not change the fact that he is f’ed in the head…

Damn I got a good quote out of that one :tup:

Although I think if he really wanted attention, he would have just thrown Bledsoe under the bus, picked a fight with Tuna, or invited Teri Hatcher over for a 3-way party with his publicist :shrug: Pills would be weak, and unimaginative. The creator of the “Sharpie” is gonna come better than that, right? :slight_smile: