Sad day in my life

Deborah Belz was my cousin. It sucks that this happen. Just a month earlyer he tire to kill her but she got away. My parents are going to sumit to take the kids if no one else in the family wants or can.

Hearde about this on the news. Terrible to hear.

That’s horrible. I’m sorry for your loss :frowning:

thats fucked up

wow…I really have nothing more to say, I’m sorry…

rest in peace

very sorry to hear , thats horrible when things like that happen to people who dont deserve it

Sorry for the kids and for your family. Hope the dude is rotting in hell.

Those poor kids. So sorry to hear that. :frowning:

I’m sorry to hear about that. I’ll Pray for the kids.


I’m sorry to hear, my thoughts are with you and your family.


jesus christ that fucking terrible.

i hope that dude is rotting in hell for sure.


and x4

sorry to hear