Is suicide cowardly and selfish? (split)


You eat to sustain life, eating is not selfish. You eat because you need to eat to survive.

Lumping the simple act of living/eating etc into the “selfish” category is completely ridiculous.

Not offering any of the leftover chicken you have to the skeleton looking remains of an individual next to you is selfish

Eating is something we take for granted for sure when in some places in the world its scarce, but selfish to eat? Holy fuck your guys outlook on being selfish and living is completely warped

im willing to bet most that posted in this thread knows or knew of someone that killed themsleves . noone can really know what goes on in someones head till its time . like said before many times i could of and had justified it in my head butttttt didnt seeing as i have family , friends and now children that rely on me in some form .

Leaving is easy, you never have to make a conscious choice to make up in order to wake up, you just do it.

Suicide actually takes choice and courage to end everything realizing that there no hope left and stop trying to take the easy way out.

You are ridiculous. Why do you think people are afraid of the inevitable death? Because they are selfish and don’t want to miss out on things they could still achieve. People who live their live to the fullest aren’t afraid of death.

You guys are starting to make involuntary actions and things that are HARDWIRED into our brains for basic survival and saying those things are selfish…

No vlad, you don’t make a choice to wake up, but people make hard choices everyday of their lives, sure some people barley have to think and they can do whwatever the fuck they want, but most middleclass and lowerclass make choices everyday that will effect what tommorow brings them.

If suicide was the easy way out we would have a whole lot more dead people around as majority of people take the easy road.

Most people seem to end their life because they think its going to be hard or impossible to live…

Rather than push through it and try to make the most out of their lives with what they have

Suicide may not be an easy choice to make, but its still IMO a selfish easy way out of life. Life is not easy vlad, I’m sure you yourself have gone through hardships with friends/relationships family, financially, physically which I know you have… your saying that stuff is easy compared to choosing to end your life because you don’t want to deal with those things?

If you guys are REALLY going to go with the argument that staying alive is selfish, sustaining our selves is selfish, helping others is selfish, every action we take is selfish, than you’re going to have to also accept/admit that suicide is selfish considering its an action we take in order to better our position.

So stretch the meaning of selfish all you want, it will define the reasoning for every decision we make and that includes suicide.

Ill take that, which means that committing suicide is no more selfish than living and can’t be looked down upon for that character.

Lol… Now you’re going to argue that any selfish act is just as selfish as any other? Or that any wrong doing is the same as the next? Stealing someon’s Wi-Fi signal is the same as killing a child?

This could go on all day and it wouldn’t be the first time it has happened.

you have to have hard times in order fo you to have good times or how could you tell? its all unknown and its all known its there but you cant see it. so is it there? alot of people are limited by their senses and some even tricked. we should know by know atoms are mostly empty space byt why do we see it as a solid? vibrations? vibrations are everything its as if life is illusion so that gets back to my opnion life is what you make of it. remember the you part. life is what you make of it. life is like a box of chocolates. and everyone is great if they think they are great its simple really if you think you are the best you really are the best. i know i mumble alot but if anyone ever questions sucide question the question. imo every form of life is usefull and needed. i like learning every perspective i can. helps me tackle questions i couldnt answer before. so if you are ever thinking weird or not to your liking change it. you have the ability to make changes always know this. only the strong surive and you survived so you must be strong. actually everyone who reads this is considered strong even if there bench is only 300lbs max.

and imo i dont like making decisions for other people i leave that up to them.

and btw my aunt was killed from someone she didnt know…and he is up for porole soon because the justice system is fukkkked

Mr. Pitman, you sir are insane but it works well and I foresee some good arguments in the future (ET thread maybe? :lol)

Yes if everything you do is selfish it’s upto you to decide which selfish acts you want to partake in your own damn life.

Everyone here could spend their entire life dedicated to helping elderly and mentally challenged or the poor or less fortunate and you would be fed and likely even paid my some organizations. Hey Shady what do you say? No? How selfish.

Neo - the two things you listed are both criminal acts, punishment may be different but the title is the same. We just don’t have a “rating” system for which acts are more selfish than others - similar to judicial system and crimes so we simply judge and assign a rating on our own.