Is suicide cowardly and selfish? (split)

It does not definitively lead to lung cancer or emphysema, a good friend of the family is a prime example. Shes currently 72 Years of age, has smoked 2 packs a day of unfiltered winstons since she was 13. She is as healthy as an Oyx

I know quite a few “older” people that are perfectly healthy that are extreme smokers.

Does it increase your chance of lung cancer and emphysema? yes it does, its a fact. Does it mean your going to get either? No not at all.

I enjoy smoking, I find it relaxing. I enjoy how it “feels” I guess you could say. At the moment I’m not quitting the "habbit’ completely. I’m using E-Cigs again, I used them for 6 months last year without a single ciggerate 2 months after I started using them. My issue was I did not keep up on staying stocked with liquid etc and ended up buying ciggerates while I waited 5 days for my new stock to arrive, and went downhill from there.

Luckily Vapeing has become more popular here in the US and theres a ton of good US dealers, a few that are only a day a way.

Honestly enjoy vaping way more than smoking, my goal is to slowly degrade the ammount of nicotine I am taking in down to 0 over the next few months and only have it be an “oral” habbit that I can enjoy thats completely safe as its just a vegitable glycerine based liquid with flavoring and nicotine until you start using nicotine free liquid.