Is suicide cowardly and selfish? (split)

LOL spell check FTL.

haha well physiology is a science as well, just not the one you seemed to be talking about

There are way to many factors to take into account with suicide to make the generalization that someone is a “coward” or “selfish” for taking their own life. Yes, there may be some people who do it our of selfishness or are too scared to face something in their life, but you can not push this idea on to every single person that commits suicide. These people could have an altered mental state from a mental disorder such a bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or even drug abuse that could lead to suicide. Religion and faith could even have an effect on whether or not someone decides to commit suicide (Sati practice). I mean for fucks sake there has even been studies linking cigarette smoking to an increased risk of commiting suicide. All in all, there are just way to many factors to make such a broad statement.


steroids make u kill yourself too. its been proven. :ninja

sorry i had to say it. but seriously im staying the fuck out of this one.

I do agree with that to an extent, I was going to write in response to 99FRC that I agree with his statement when it comes to things like Hereditary depression and things of that nature.

It’s proven that smoking leads to lung cancer, emphysema, etc. So it is something that has and will continue to kill people, and they know it, thus it is just a more long term, expensive manner of suicide. Good luck on quitting, but if I had a nickel for every time I have heard that, well, I’d have a lot of nickels.

I regret posting it. Sorry.

If someone who I have no emotional attachment to wants to kill themselves for whatever reason then I feel its their personal choice to do so, just as smoking or drinking is someones personal choice.

What I have a problem with is someone who trys to kill themselves by way of a half assed manner. If your going to do it, do it right and get it over with.

It’s very sad that active euthanasia isn’t widely accepted. I’m guessing all of us at one time or another have said they didn’t want a pet to suffer so they put them down. The difference between a pet and a person is that a person can acknowledge the fact that they are suffering and communicate it to their loved ones, the majority of the time.

sever depression/suicide is pretty scary shit. that was a bad time in my life, something i hope i never have to relive/experience/talk about

It does not definitively lead to lung cancer or emphysema, a good friend of the family is a prime example. Shes currently 72 Years of age, has smoked 2 packs a day of unfiltered winstons since she was 13. She is as healthy as an Oyx

I know quite a few “older” people that are perfectly healthy that are extreme smokers.

Does it increase your chance of lung cancer and emphysema? yes it does, its a fact. Does it mean your going to get either? No not at all.

I enjoy smoking, I find it relaxing. I enjoy how it “feels” I guess you could say. At the moment I’m not quitting the "habbit’ completely. I’m using E-Cigs again, I used them for 6 months last year without a single ciggerate 2 months after I started using them. My issue was I did not keep up on staying stocked with liquid etc and ended up buying ciggerates while I waited 5 days for my new stock to arrive, and went downhill from there.

Luckily Vapeing has become more popular here in the US and theres a ton of good US dealers, a few that are only a day a way.

Honestly enjoy vaping way more than smoking, my goal is to slowly degrade the ammount of nicotine I am taking in down to 0 over the next few months and only have it be an “oral” habbit that I can enjoy thats completely safe as its just a vegitable glycerine based liquid with flavoring and nicotine until you start using nicotine free liquid.

If you are joking about that… then you are one fucked up individual.

im srs dude.
highschool wasnt my better times of life…

Wrong place to announce shit like that…

I dont think this guy was ‘right’ to begin with.

Gotta be a little fucked in the head to try a stupid stunt like that in the first place.

oh well. whats the worst that could happen? :lol


Shady, suicide is choosing to do something that will result in your death.

Choosing to live falls under that category as you know you’re going to die.

However you are being selfish as you want to enjoy life in the meantime, and you’re a pussy as you won’t do it now even if you know you’re going to die anyway.

And just cause you don’t know how you will die, doesn’t rule out suicide, you can walk into traffic blindfolded, just because you don’t know which brand of a car hit you and which way it was going doesn’t mean it wasn’t suicidal.

ya i think mr franklin isnt making a living at all right now