Is suicide cowardly and selfish? (split)

just frankly ISN’T the right word. Shady is right there ALWAYS is a light, no matter how bright. Its a matter of perception.

the proper way to complete that sentence is by adding “much of” after it.

the “isnt” is a FACT word. Opinions are never facts.

You guys really need to get out of this country every once in a while.

I’m going to sleep

Read the link and tell me where there is a light from the giz story.

quitter :tongue

I am going to Mexico for my honeymoon June 21-29th. I will take you up on that challenge. :rofl

The programer one? I am reading that now.

Both sides could be argued til you actually asphyxiate your self. Many cases of suicide are due to a deep depression that for what ever reason the person may never gain control of. I agree with Vlad that there are circumstances when you can justify the reason to an extent. As far as being selfish, that can vary depending on the case and circumstances.

i dunno why but i feel this is appropriate.

Lots of rambling ITT. Mike is right that there’s always a light at the end of a tunnel. It is our perception of said light that guides us. To that BMX kid, he perceived the light to be non-existent, thus him taking HIS OWN life. Not his mother’s life. Not his best friend’s life. Not his disgruntled neighbor’s life. His own. What one does with their own life is their own business. He felt life was not worth living, so he took it in his own hands. We all like control of things in our life, and his actions showed he did as well. If someone told me I could never drive again in my life, y’all better be on suicide watch lol.

I, however, do think it is selfish if one kills themselves as a way out of responsibility. If he had children and a wife and a family to support, that’s one thing, but from what I have read he didn’t.

The programer’s note was a very good read.

I saw a few points in there where he noticed the light at the end and attempted to go after it. I see a great compaction for his life and for others too. Think of it like this. How many times have you gone to sleep thinking of modding your car. You go over it again and again in your head. How can you do this, or why cant you do that. Then fall asleep, maybe have a little dream about it too, only to wake up and continue the thoughts again, until you got side tracked just enough to forget about it. Only to pull back in the driveway to see the car and start the process all over again.

for 23 years.


Thats what he did. How many times a day do you take a piss? 3-5? that’s 3-5 times he looked down and got stuck on that marry-go-round he called “darkness”. Honestly I give him ALL THE CREDIT HE RIGHTFULLY DESERVED for making it that long! Not taking it out (that we know of) on anyone else but himself. That is the FARTHEST thing I can call selfish!

And Shady, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you without a cigarette in your hand or mouth. You really wanna talk about suicide?

I noticed many places where I could see it.

The part about the girl he met in the spring. Cutting off the relationship because he felt it could possibly break the other person, somehow, someway… and didnt want others to feel the pain he had.

The part about trying to go to school, making awesome programs people would use, setting goals for himself to start leaning towards the left column I drew out earlier.

The part where he said he wanted to be a father and have a family. To give the child something he never had. “I think make a good dad” If that isnt a bright light at the end, I dont know what is. And him cutting off relationships prior to the point of possible procreation he felt was a “safer” bet I think based upon the total and I can see how justifiable lack of trust for human beings. What if he did have a child, and the mother did something horrific, or the child was molested or something by someone… he would go ape shit. In my eyes it took bigger brass balls to look at a goal he had such strong feelings for, such as being a father, and NOT going after it for fear that something he hated so much and realized how painful it was could happen to someone he brought into this life.

I think his light was, suicide. A goal if you will, knowing that at least some krazy kid might understand where he was coming from. Could remember him and better his life’s decisions after reading about his experiences and decisions.

Smoking is not a definitive death TY very much. No differant than you doing a 140mph bomb on the thruway. You could die, doesnt mean your going to.

Also I am in the process of quitting.

Does anyone in here have an actual degree in clinical psychology? I know I don’t.

I don’t go trying to create new chemical compounds because I never studied chemistry past 101. Get my point?

Is it logical to form an opinion based purely on emotion, without actually knowing or studying what it is your opinion is based on? No

I have no idea what goes into making a person want to commit suicide, therefore im not about to pass judgement.

riddle me this batman.

How come medical professionals call their line of work a “practice”?

because its something that A: are based on things that cant definitively be proven, B: Dr. 1 does something completely different than Dr. 2, yet both seem to “fix” the “problems”, C: well you can see where this is going.

Dr’s and Phycologists are getting paid, a shit ton I might add, to tell you what they THINK! I dont need a degree to do the same thing! (minus the get paid part)

i have never once formed an “opinion” I only form FACTS.

this guy will never be a Dr. just a WIZARD!!! :ahh


But those doctors are still educated on what they are practicing, therefore giving them the right to form an educated and informed opinion.

A bunch of car enthusiasts placing judgement on something they couldn’t even begin to understand such as suicide is pointless.

I may not have the degree, but I actually enjoy Psychology. If it wasn’t computers it would be corrupting the fragile broken minds for a living. :ahh And this isnt any different than when Wayne and Adam talked nuclear power shit a few weeks back. SO THERE. lol

Education doesnt mean JACK SHIT. Its a piece of paper to get you a job that pays more than one without it. Plenty of halfwits with monster degrees out the ass that are dumb as rocks and cant cross the road while chewing a stick of gum. Also plenty of people with ZERO degree, let alone in their profession making a healthy living at it… Steve Jobs, Ben Franklin…

A degree is not about earning the right to form an educated and informed opinion, its earns you the ABILITY to have a better shot at making money doing so.

what is this “physiology”?
