Is suicide cowardly and selfish? (split)

You’re saying it’s “easy” to take your own life?

Oh really?

I think you’re missing the point entirely of why people take their lives.

Look at it as simple as this:

High self respect or low self respect: 50/50
Optimism or pessimism: 50/50
Life or Death: 50/50

Draw a line through the or’s above and you will see where I am going with it.

If you wake up and strive for the left column, you see where Shady is coming from.
If you wake up and strive for the right column, you see where Colin (for example) came from.

Intelligent people who are in the middle, take a deeper look into it… left column or right column. Well since everyone is going to die at some point, “I” feel life/death isnt 50/50 its 25/75. OR Well since everyone has one shot at life, “I” feel life/death isnt 50/50 its 75/25.

Having your loved ones wake up, go through the day and sleep feeling like shit that you’re gone because you killed yourself for what ever reason, is cowardly and selfish… in a way. BUT waking up, going through the day and sleeping feeling like shit because something in your head is telling you that you cant hack it, or having such a powerful love for something you cant attain or had ripped from your life, could just be enough to push you into the right hand column, since only you can control yourself, you cant control the feelings of others… you can just influence the feelings of others.

chew on that KK rant.

I’m sure going through with it is actually very hard, to be honest I think it scares people more because of it being painfull, or not being sure whats waiting for them on the other side more than the actual decession to do so.

Making the decesion to do a wheelie for the first time is probably pretty easy no? Going through with it is probably harder, not because you second guessing that you want to do it, but simply being afraid of the possible painful outcome that will be brought upon you if you fail.

Shady you are a coward because you are on a 60 year long suicide plan.

You are just on the selfish plan where you want to take in as much pleasure as possible before ending your life.

Calling someone a coward for taking their life is just bullshit. Dude’s dead by his own accord, don’t talk shit about him. It was his life to take.

That is by far the dumbest thing I have ever heard.

Life is not all about pleasure, life is about a balance between hardships and the good things that follow them. Being able to work through challenges that come your way.

Saying I’m selfish for wanting to live my life for as long as possible and die in a natural way like everyone else is selfish?

If thats the case we should all take a gun to our heads.

I will tell you this. I am piss ass fucking scare of being dead, NOT scared of death. If that makes sense. The realization that every second you live your one second closer to the ONE AND ONLY THING you have 100% zero control over, 100% zero proof of what happens after you die. Everything else in life can be explained, I feel, its all physical and real. That right this scares the fuck out of me. BUT… that right there is why I live my life for every moment I have, for as long as I can, thus not making me scared of death.

Living you’re life in a constant state of “what if” is the biggest reason I do what I do. Thats the reason I twist the throttle and snap the clutch. Thats the reason I hit a jump in 4th gear at the track. Thats why I build pipe dream RWD jettas. Thats the reason I help people to attempt to accomplish their goals. Thats why I love my family, friends, enemy’s, and people I never met.

Comparing suicide to an uncontrollable death is pointless

:rofl because good things always follow hardships :rofl :lmao

Live a little, in a different country preferably, lets see how your views change

How do you know you will die in a natural way, and not have your direct actions lead to your death?

Are you actually trying to tell me you’re not living for pleasure?

Oh you’ve done it now.

Either every single thing is controllable and your actions will lead directly to how you die, or there is a destiny which means that you have no control over how you die and neither did he.

Pick one, cause you’re wrong either way.

BTW Vlad I just want to make clear any “dispute” stays in this thread. I’m not taking any of it personal, and I hope you are not as well.

and Shady - Vlad… dont you two see how well your both fighting against each other PROVING my first post to this thread?

You can both argue the same shit all day every day until you commit suicide, get hit by a comet and killed or die from natural causes side by side in a nursing home. Neither will win, because there is nothing TO win. LOL

There is ALWAYS some light at the end of a dark tunnel vlad. Even if its a tiny fucking LED light :lol

Sorry, “natural” may not have been the way to put it…

Comparing suicide, the intent to take your OWN life, to an uncontrollable death regardless of it being your actions leading up to it is like Apples to oranges.

Just because one does something dumb that may kill them does not mean they WANT to die. Versus someone who commits suicide with that being their only intention.

I vote 1 for me not taking anything personal BTW. I am enjoying this conversation.

Tell that to the people in Rwanda/Darfur etc.

That’s what I’m trying to tell you.

Sometimes there isn’t a damn light.

There are 6 billion people on the planet, you think all of them will happily ever after or some of them will suffer for decades with nothing to look forward to and no hopes.

Well to the ones who died… I can’t tell them shit. Again an uncontrolable death.

To the ones that survived, they are alive and I am sure they are thankful that they are. Theres their light.

Well if they were living and their outlook didn’t look that bright.

Would you blame them for killing themselves in that situation?

Or it would be selfish for them to end themselves before the army slaughtered their family in front of their eyes?

How about concentration camps? When prisoners ran off knowing damn well they would be gunned down - that’s a suicide. Sure some survived if they worked through all the misery and there was a small chance of them getting out, but you would say it was a selfish act to get gunned down?

depends on how you look at it of course.

Shane Mcconkey died recently base jumping. he was a free skiing legend known for skiing, riding a plastic saucer, etc off the side of BIG cliffs and pulling the cord to safety. He died by accident in his eyes. In my eyes doing those actions again and again, then actually failing and dieing from it is damn near suicide IMO. Every thing we do as humans has a number on the risk/reward scale. Me wheeling in traffic on my way to work I feel is a 4-10. To Vlad being a rider himself, but not a nut case like me thinks its a 5-10. My grandmother thinks its a 10-10. 10-10 is the feeling of no reward when you make it out alive, so dieing while trying to is suicide based on that.

BAM think about that one boys.

To be honest, I can understand that. Do I think its right? No, would I rather have my family die from my own hands rather than be slaughtered in hatred … Yes.

But you are going WAY off track to where this discussion came from. You cannot compare a guy not being able to ride his fucking bike to a family being slaughtered.