Is that Skyline a Right Hand Drive?

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I am selling a Skyline and a guy calls me to ask if it is right hand drive…

I have to admit that I don’t know nearly enough about my car as I should but holy crap dude, it is a Skyline, how 'bout a grasp of the basics?!

I actually didn’t know what to say at first but then I had a brain wave and said in an ambiguous sort of way, “ummm no, the steering wheel is on the right side”. I still don’t know if he took that as “right side” or “correct side” and what “correct” means to him.

I hope he comes to look at the car because I want to see if his Mom pinned his bus pass to his shirt. If I can I’ll get pictures so if you see him on the street you can steer clear.


I’d like to see that picture, but I suppose the important thing is that his mom gave him money.

Haha, thats too funny.

I’ve noticed alot of stupid stoner kids with skylines. Too bad they can’t appreciate the car properly…

:butthead: :finga:

:butthead: :finga:[/quote]
Are you one of the kids he’s talking about? If not, maybe you should rethink what you are posting.

Come on guys. Lets not throw around vague overgeneralizations. There are lots of responsible Skyline drivers, and qualthar seems like he respects his car a lot.

Which is why I was surprised by his post. Cody probably wasn’t talking about him. I’ve never met qualthar, but he seems like a good guy, this post had me wondering though.

There are alot of stupid people driving every kind of car.

There are alot of stupid people driving every kind of car.[/quote]

Can add one more guy…28 will have sask platesi believe.

Which is why I was surprised by his post. Cody probably wasn’t talking about him. I’ve never met qualthar, but he seems like a good guy, this post had me wondering though.[/quote]

LOL if you knew me you’d know 1. I’m not a stupid stoner kid, I work very very hard for my money and believe that I made a wise investment in my car, 2. That post was me being a joker, sorry if you took it the wrong way. But the stupid stoner kids don’t just drive skylines ya know :stuck_out_tongue:

Qulathar just curious how old you are. I just turned 18 and feel exactly the same as you. And since i live in a nice neighbour hood everyone thinks my mommy paid for my car.

The same with me i got my pathfinder when i turned 16 and no my parents did not dish out the cash

lets see how many years have i been working

I’m 22, and paid for the car 100% with my own money… Oh ok alrght so some of it is the bank’s money, but I have to give it back :grrr

LOL if you knew me you’d know 1. I’m not a stupid stoner kid, I work very very hard for my money and believe that I made a wise investment in my car, 2. That post was me being a joker, sorry if you took it the wrong way. But the stupid stoner kids don’t just drive skylines ya know :stuck_out_tongue:


Shut up and pass the bong! :grin


I posted this “is that Skyline Right Hand Drive” thread to provide a bit of amusement. Where did things get off track?

Instead of talking about “stoner kids” I’d be interested to know if there are any other weird comments you guys have heard people say about your car or others.


No wierd comments, other than a guy came by the house to buy someting, seen my hood up and said I should have bought an SR20DET instead of SR20DE. If he can’t tell the difference by visual inspection, I can’t tell him anything.

Turbo? What’s a Turbo?