Nissan skyline opinions..

So i just got the opportunity of a life time and got a chance to buy my fav car of all time… i have the money for it… granted i have to ditch a few things… i am willing to sacrifice them to get this car. I am really interested due to the info i know about the car and the back ground of the current owner. its a 1996 r33 gts. absolutely spotless and in amazing condition… completely stock minus exhaust and front mount … so just wondering what you guys think.,… good or bad… if u guys have heard anything about them mechanically… it doesn’t really matter as it is no biggie to me…at least doing the work… and i have the hook up on parts… and i plan on keeping this car for a very…very long time… oh…and tonyk i have to get rid of the busa …so if you wanna go fast :wink: let me know… this is my second busa so it was done quite correctly lol. jsut elt me know what you guys think …anything i should look triple at thanx.

Skyline is extremely overrated, and over hyped. Save yourself the time and just buy a corvette it will be faster and reliable.

is the skyline blue and previously owned around the belle vernon area then sold to someone? if so its a POS, walk on it. Seen the car in person, can’t tell you how much I wouldn’t want to deal with it if we’re talking about the same car.

look triple at the fact you are buying a car that was never imported to and not legal in the united states. I know there are a handful of so called legal cars or whatever but i never cared to read into the motorex bullshit or how it all worked in the end. so you can explain that to me.

I know you say you have the hook up on parts but its a car that was never produced here so aside from the interchangeable ones from other Nissans, where is your hook up? Overnight parts from japan? Honestly, I would like to know.

Its right hand drive, enough said for me.

aside from young kids and clueless people wanting to hump your leg because its the almighty skyline I see nothing exciting. The whole situation is not for me. I would walk right away from that car and into something else in the price range with similar qualities. There are some many nice cars out there that you can spend that money on.

I’d like to see the registration… most likely its not even close to being legal.

a gts is nothing to get moist over, its not going to be fast at all…

it does have a cool factor…

that’s about it…

Best example of a problem what if the windshield cracks?? Where do you plan on getting one?? This was a problem presented to me by a Skyline owner. There is no Nissan car that shares the same windshield. I wouldnt even wanna think about how much it would cost to get that shipped here.

owned one already a 1998… i am far from impressed… my formula will shit on most of the ones aroung here except for mr.fidanza and his fucking twin turbo’ed 427 stroker.

nope… not even close…

already looked into the motorex part of this deal… i am going to have the vin number checked for the 5th time on friday…

as far as the “hook up” on parts… i am not talking for the OEM bullshit… whats the point of that? the shop i currently do work for can order me basically anything aftermarket i want for the car… so why should i buy stock when i can buy better?.. or the fact that the owner of fidanza lives next door to one of my good friends…and i have like 10 buddies that make the wiseco pistons that everyone uses…

whats wrong with right hand drive?

and as far as the money goes you are absolutely correct…but as far as i am concerned i am more in it for the looks… i love the way the car looks.

define fast… and justify how you can say it will never be fast?

i heard those HKS windshields are sweet. Although, I think Paul’s point is a very valid one that you are not taking into consideration. You might be able to get whatever aftermarket you want but sometimes its o.e. parts that you need.

the owner of fidanza, christ. okay. im sure hes going to go out of his way to get you parts for your skyline. :greddy2:

You know for someone asking advice/opinions you sure are good at having a answer to everyones opinion. You seem to have already made up your mind. Sure you may be owning a Skyline in the near future and be the envy of 12-18 year old boys. But dont expect anyone on here to pop a boner over an underpowered 12 year car.

hey tony… you smell anything?? haha

why are you asking for opinions for something you sound like you have your heart set on? Nobody here is impressed not even the 15 year old lurker who puts trd stickers on their moms altima.

They are cool, but nothing to fancy anymore to me. Maybe a GTR, but a GTS doesn’t really do anything for me.

this kid is starting to annoy me. OMG look at me i am THINKING of purchasing a Skyline… :rofl:

with the gay lambo doors?

I see what the problem is here

Join Date: Jul 2008
Location: cleveland oh
Posts: 43


Phase 1: make an ego boosting thread that has a disturbing amount of run on sentences and a complete lack of hard data.

Phase 2:

Phase 3: Profit.


“Hay guyz, i have the opportunity of a lifetime to buy a car, I don’t care what you have to say so imma post this bitch anyway. Don’t argue with me, i’ve got like ten of my boys making pistons that you use” :stick:


Me likey!

You win the thread.