is your car.......

id say my car would be 99% of the cars on the road in winter time :slight_smile:

yea, iā€™m guessing soā€¦ theres a C2 996, and an e36 M3ā€¦nothing else Iā€™ve seen though that is remotely performance oriented.

I canā€™t think of any other cars on my street that can reach 200mph but you never know. There is a guy very close to me with an S7 but he is not on my street. :slight_smile:

easily would crush anything on my street and its 4 miles long and extremely dense. Another benefit of city living?

Been at my place for 4 years. Next fastest car on my street is a v6 mustangā€¦ Kinda sad that I win with 250 wheelā€¦

Same for my Nissan. :wink:

Do bikes count?

Nope. Viper gts down the street would be top dog, but Iā€™d be 2nd.

Fastest in WNYā€¦at least thatā€™s what I tell everyone. :slight_smile:

Possibly. There are a few c5 guys down the road but they are likely stock. I consider my portion of the street intersection to intersection.


nope. theres a tubbed and blown prostreet f body down the street.

my snowmobile is for sure faster though.

Yes. I compete with welfare moms and drug dealers. Only thing that looks remotely close is a b5 a4 or whatever the early 2000ā€™s style is called.

Maybe, but I havenā€™t been here long enough to see if the neighbors have any fun toys hiding all winter.

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I mean I know my Corolla can give a lot of people a run for their money butā€¦ no. Neighbor just ordered a new Mustang GT, so that would probably be at the top of the list on the super short dead end street I live on.

You must not have the proper diff or tires. :stuck_out_tongue:

Iā€™m not even the fastest in my driveway!

Nope beaten by a viper, not sure what else

Guy on my street has a dragster. Sounds like it should be fast so Iā€™m assuming its faster than mineā€¦ but then again you never know. Iā€™ll have to go over there and ask one day

Didnā€™t we have a similar thread about fastest car in your office parking lot? I was going to post that after seeing this thread but thought I remembered having that discussion. Canā€™t find a thread though.