Isle of Capri FTW

This is coming up soon and I am sure all the Pens fans are hoping some how the “fix” was not in for Rendell’s boys and the Isle of capri gets it. From what I hear plan B has a lot of “holes” in it but can work. Here is an article in the post about whats going on…here is a quote I found very funny

That’s no comfort to other residents of the Hill District, who say a casino will bring traffic, noise, crime and gambling addiction to the neighborhood.

Hill Distric…bitching about crime…come on what a joke…that whole neighborhood needs to be flattened and rebuilt

More liked nuked and start from a clean slate

It won’t work because cockroaches survive nukes…

build the new arena already…tired of heaing about plan this, plan that

True,plus their family memebers are spread all ove east pittsburgh and they would just kick it into overtime to make up for thier loses