Israeli troops enter Lebanon! boo ya JIM!!!


Oh man…

oh snap
looks like its starting to hit the fan again…


:tup: to Israel… they dont fuck around


Isreal is a forece to be reconed with. they will very easily take out lebinon. Thier air force is second only to ours, and even then, its a close call. They may not have as advanced equipment, but they are some of the best fighter pilots in the world.

they should … they get all of our shit … and some of the technoloy we give them they’ve modified for the better and won’t tell us what they did.

Good. they are our allies.

The days of the dogfight are long over, The US doesnt need faster jets anymore long range air to air FTW.


AP: Police said Israeli warplanes attacked a Lebanese army air base near the Syrian border, the first strike on Lebanon’s army in Israel’s fight with Hezbollah guerrillas.

looks like things are gonna get REAL interesting REAL fast today

yea i keep on looking at cnn

on the news this morning they said that lebanon fired something like 150 rockets into israel last night

Pretty much the same as poking a pissed off tiger with a stick.

Israel’s foreign ministry says it has information that Lebanese guerrillas are trying to transfer the captured Israeli soldiers to Iran, The Associated Press reports. CNN is working to confirm.

that cant be good… or maybe it can

here comes WW3. great.

Israeli officials say a rocket has hit the Israeli city of Haifa, The Associated Press reports.

Israel pounds Lebanon; Hezbollah fires back

• Israel warplanes bomb Beirut’s international airport
• Israel blockades Lebanon’s ports
• Hezbollah launches scores of rockets into Israel
• Strikes a “general act of war,” Lebanon official says
• Rockets hit journalists in Nahariya, Israel

Wars make for good mid-day television.

check that article,
im not sure how accurate or legit it is

but if it is true, nothing good will come out of it…

defense stocks FTW