Israeli troops enter Lebanon! boo ya JIM!!!

Israeli troops enter Lebanon

Israel launched airstrikes and sent troops into southern Lebanon today after Hezbollah said its guerrillas had abducted two Israeli soldiers. Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert described the Hezbollah attacks as an “act of war” and promised a “very painful and far-reaching” response, The Associated Press reported.

Ugh, not good… not good at all…

Isreal does not eff around.

“If the soldiers are not returned we will turn Lebanon’s clock back 20 years,” Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Dan Halutz to Israeli Channel 10.

Irsreal is talking mad shit

Isreal may be talking mad shit, but they are not a country to be fucked with.

they can back it up.

Hell no, they are a rabid dog on a leash, they would have trampled lebanon yeas ago if they weren’t held back but everyone else.

Exactly. Unlike NK, when Israel says, “we will set your clock back 20 years”, you can bet it’s not just a cry for attention.

they have lots of US toys too

yes they do, all thanks to ww2


Would that be a West seneca Boo yah?:rofl:

yessir indeed it would be :lol:


fucking crazy.

“we will set your clock back 20 years”

that’s a heavy statement… and i think it’ll be a little more intense than the movie ‘munich’

This just got a whole hell of a lot worse.

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Great, so now that crazy SOB running Iran is involved. You know the guy, Mr. “My goal is to wipe Isreal off the face of the map”.

Yeah that it takes it up a notch.:ohnoes:

Said it once, ill say it again…WWIII here we come

stuff like this is pretty scary.

all it takes is one extremist with an itchy trigger finger on a nuke, and we have one hell of a worldwide crisis on our hands…

I still think israel has this covered. They have a very strong army If there is any US involvement i would think it would be minimal.

Picture from, the caption was:
“Driver escapes an Israeli air raid in southern Lebanon.”

Mercedes needs to jump on that shit right now and make a commercial. :lol: