IT Admins and big nerds, please help *FONT/Icon Sizes*

Here at work, the IT depertment went and turned off access to anything under display properties with the exception of “settings” (why, I have no idea). So to make a long story short… I use a 1600X1200 screen resolution here because with alot of the models I work with, not to mention putting together presentations for clients, it just makes for a better final product and it’s easier to see more on the screen.

So the small font sizes are really starting to hurt my eyes. I know that we dont have access to those tabs under display properties, so I log in as admin. (I have admin access/privileges to the system) and still no tabs under display properties, with the exception of “settings”.

So I hope that changing the screen DPI would help the issue… no luck (pretty much eliminates the purpose of increasing the resolution in the first place). So I call up IT at corp. and ask them if they can change it for me (as my admin. access is on a limited account) and get the response that it’s global… not just on my machine and even they cant change it :wtf:

so this leaves me between a rock and a hard place… does anyone know of a DOS shortcut or some kind of backdoor to turn on large icons and increase the Windows text sizes? Perhaps if I create a batch file that will change these settings?

this shit pisses me off… it effects my ability to do my work and I just don’t get the logic of turning all that shit off in the first place.

All your group policy belongs to us…

yeah they pwned you with active directory.

We just rolled out active directory for the idiots here at work, so they didn’t break stuff.

See if you can run regedit, you can change the resolution in there. I bet thats locked out though, so just go pay a visit to your sysadmin and bitch.

Tee hee hee.

GP > you

If it is affecting your work, then call them.


all you will have to do is justify it.

it will take an admin like 2 min to do too

I did ask them… they told me to get some glasses :wtf: “we can’t even change it”

I mean, if I have to I’ll email the head IT guy and try and get something done… or just get a doctors note and possibly just tell them I need a larger monitor to work with :stuck_out_tongue: 29" here I come

Thats shady, it takes like two seconds to change, and locking that out makes no sense unless your dealing with four year olds who like to fuck up the display properties panel.

Only text you can alter easily is on your internet browser… If you have a scroll mouse, hold Ctrl on your keyboard and scroll the mouse wheel backwards.

Actually, that also works in many of the Office programs. Excel and Word for sure…

Indeed…forgot about Office.

use the magnifier accessory :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh it makes sense to lock it out. People love to change shit that then call us up saying, “I don’t know what happened but my screen is black now.”

Never underestimate the stupidity of users.

mother fucking :word: