IT Guys

Something in my PC popped last week. I did some testing with my bro’s PC and it seemed like my video card went.

So I had it RMA’ed and fixed by MSI. I just got it back and put it in. Although I can now view the display, the color changes from normal to slightly tinted blue to normal and back and forth every couple of minutes.

What is the likely hood that whatever happened to the video card also killed my PCI-X 2.0 slot? I don’t have another motherboard with PCI-X to test…I’m thinking about going i7 and just upgrading…but would like to hold off if possible.

Anyone ever seen anything like this?

What connector are you using on the video card? RGB or DVI?

If RGB sounds like the cable is getting crimped somehow or the connector is just bad (cable or video card). If thats the case and it has a DVI spot and you can switch give it a try.

Its possible that when the other video card kicked the bucket it took your PCI-X slot with it, I’ve seen it happen before.

I’m using a DVI to VGA converter since my card is dual DVI. It’s been fine for the last hour though. Weird. Just got done playing Battlefield Bad Company 2 online for an hour and had no problems. I’ll give it a few days and see what happens.

Your adapter can be the cause of it as well. If it happens again, I have a couple of those laying around.

Do you have the rear of the computer up against the wall and the cable/adapter is making contact with the wall?

It’s against the middle part of my desk (I have huge desk) but none of the rear cables are touching the wall or desk. We’ll see what happens.

Cable or monitor. For being a techie, I’m surprised you arent running a full DVI setup, shame on you!

Have you tried using the onboard video connectiong to make sure it isn’t a more serious issue?

But I will agree that it sounds like a bad slot, either way your prob going to have to do some work.

VGA cable or DVI-VGA adapter… or even poor factory soldering on said DVI port. You should be able to invoke failure by wiggling the cable.

lol. If it’s not my slot, it’s my cable/adapter. Definitely not my LCD TV as my XBox has been fine this entire time as well as TV.

I’d have to look, but I don’t think my Samsung LCD TV has DVI. I’ll have to look. Maybe I should upgrade to full DVI if it does lol.

Yeah. I might just upgrade to i7/i9 anyway soon, so that’ll take the board out of the equation. I’m thinking it’s the board being flaky for sure, because when the problem happened my PC popped and I smelt electrical smoke. But it’s been fine the last couple of hours after getting the video card back from MSI after it’s RMA. The smell was coming from the video card, so it’s possible it took something with it on the board.

I tried wiggling the cable to no avail yesterday when it first happen. I just let it run and it eventually it cleared up all by itself.

Get a DVI to HDMI adapter
speaking of which I have to buy shady’s


Just got onto the PC and everything is still 100% working. Weird.

And yes, I’m going to go DVI to HDMI cause I don’t have DVI ports on my LCD TV. Just two HDMI’s and 1 VGA.