garbled text on first boot... video card a POS?

I got my new rig all together and until I get my 8800 in, I just picked up a cheepo ATi x1050 card so I can install vista and such.

well, got the machine together without a hitch, but now the stupid text on screen isn’t legible. I’m not sure if it’s a video problem or what.

the best way to describe it is the below picture (the lower text box). I cannot see anything in the bios or the boot screen to see if it’s a messed up setting and there is no on board video on this mobo.

Any ideas? I’ve never seen this before. The PC isn’t giving me any errors or anything, except that the CPU needs to be set in the bios and saved (which I was barely able to make out), only problem is thats impossible at the moment.

EDIT: I’m working on a 16:10 monitor using DVI… then tried a VGA cable. After that didn’t work, I tried using an old CRT and still nothing has helped.

corrupt game?

I remember shit like this when the nintendo cartridge had dust or something… seems like it might be software related… compatibility modes… and what not…

nah, it’s not a game… it’s the actual boot screen and bios thats illegible. It looks like when I Nintendo game was getting flaky way back when. You’d get random letters and numbers all over the screen along with vertical lines. I’ll try to get a picture of it.

I just tried re seating the vid card and nothing. Fing wierd

A better example is when trying to install Linux through the GUI and not having a compatible vid card/incorrect vid card setting

Edit: have a pic, but due to the fact I’m posting this from my iPhone, I have no way of uploading it at the moment. If someone has an email and can post it for me, id be very greatful

finally got a pic

I’m going to try exchanging the video card today to see if it’s bad. With any luck, it’s not the motherboard… I don’t feel like ripping it back out

seems like your video card is fucked up, only thing i would suggest istrying another…

Card is either not seated 100%, is getting poor quality/not enough power, or is defective.

well, I tried seating it 3 or 4 times, and even tried using a screw (I have the quick release connectors on my case). The PSU is brand new as well.

is Rosewill a decent brand? it seems to be working ok

I’m hoping it’s just a shitty vid card. My old trident 16K card looked more advanced than this thing

Possibly, the only other thing if possible would be stick it in another system and see if the same result occurs.

hmm, wish I had access to a machine with a pcie slot

do you think there is any chance of it being another component screwing with it? Have you ever seen this happen before? I would assume, if it was anything else faulty (memory and such) it would give me an audible error

what are the rest of your specs? I’m sure your pc is being bottlenecked to shit.


change the cable to vga.


what are the rest of your specs? I’m sure your pc is being bottlenecked to shit.


wrong, his pc is fine, brand new high end, thats not the issue here.

is there only one PCI-E slot on the motherboard? if not try using the other one, also if this card requires extra power, make sure that you have that power connector plugged in. otherwise take it back and tell them its defective and see if they will replace it.

yeah, there is only 1 PCI-E slot on this mobo.

I took back the card and since I didn’t feel like spending anymore than I already have on a temporary video card, I opted for a gasp GeForce FX 5200 (don’t laugh… shit still cost me like 90.00, fucking best buy)

Sure as shit, it works great… the only down side is that it’s a PCI interface… so I’m still not sure if it was the card that was fucked up, or if it was my PCI-E bus that’s fucked. Hopefully the former of the two.

Anyway, once I get this thing stable and get a chance to play around with it a little more, I’ll post up some of the clock speeds I’m hitting. With this mobo and the cooler I purchased, 3ghz should be plenty doable without going overboard.

From just messing around with it for the past 5 mins. the Q6600 is a fast mother effing processor, it eats though processes like it’s nothing. Then again, moving up from an old 2ghz amd64 you’d expect a noticeable gain

thanks for all the help guys, I appreciate it


wrong, his pc is fine, brand new high end, thats not the issue here.


I stated that his pc might be bottlenecked because of the lower quality component he used for his vid card. Surely you understand this?

Amazing cpu + mobo + ram + etc + crappy video card from 3 years ago = the rest of his system bottlenecked.

Glad that wasn’t the case, but I still wouldn’t have wasted 90 bucks on a 5200. I have one sitting around my house I would have given you.


I stated that his pc might be bottlenecked because of the lower quality component he used for his vid card. Surely you understand this?

Amazing cpu + mobo + ram + etc + crappy video card from 3 years ago = the rest of his system bottlenecked.

Glad that wasn’t the case, but I still wouldn’t have wasted 90 bucks on a 5200. I have one sitting around my house I would have given you.


thanks, if you have a PCI-e card, I’d definitely take it off your hands. I’d like to test that port to make sure that it is indeed working.

And I don’t really care much about the $$$ spent on the 5200… as soon as the 8800GT gets here, it’s getting returned :smiley:

They should be ashamed of themselves. 20.00 is too much for a 5200, let alone 90.00 lol It was pretty embarrassing waiting in line with it too

lol I hear ya. I can’t believe they still stock them. They are worth more in scrap. Good idea on the return.

Steve, that looks like a bad card to me. I’m 99 percent sure.

I used to be a PC tech for a place, and would test literally over a hundred video cards in a day for resale.

I have a cheapo x300 pciE card in my dell that works great you can borrow any time you like.