I got some video card problems

I had a Nvidia 6800 in my computer. Purchased a BFG 7800 gs -> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814143046

The cards were the same exact size, it was simple, took the old one out, put the new one in. I boot my computer and it boots normal (you can read the screen), as soon as it gets to the windows xp loading screen, my monitor goes black and says no sync (but windows still loads, but I cant see anything). I put the old card in, it works fine. Put the new one in, and the same problem.

Do you think it’s an IRQ problem? I booted in safe mode and the SAME thing happens until I put the old card back. I never uninstalled my older video card/drivers from the device manager, think that matters?

Any help would be appreciated.

Most likely your old NVIDIA driver pack does not support the new 7800gs.

Try to boot in safe mode with the new card and unistall the old drivers or use the old card to uninstall them.


Thanks, I tried that, no luck. This seems to be a very common problem:

“Pros: ZERO
Cons: two of these DOA BFG cards before I gave up and got an EVGA 7800 GS. Black screen, wouldn’t post, I updated EVERTYHING. BFG support was trying to blame my computer when two other video cards in my house had no problem.
Other Thoughts: I was always a BFG fan, but after this experience I’ll stick with EVGA a while. The EVGA won’t overclock as much but it freekin WORKS!! it sounds like other people are having better luck”

“Pros: Heard it’s a great card!
Cons: Two of these didn’t even show a signalto my monitor; no bios splash screen, no nothing. There must be an incompatability between this card and my Dell Dimension 8200. I even installed a new 410 watt high-end psu.
Other Thoughts: Subsequently, the XFX 7600GT worked fine in my computer. Also, Newegg has been great to deal with on returns!”

Pros: Would of been nice.
Cons: Did not work with dell dimension 4600.The board would not Recognize the card.The computer would boot 2 windows but it was all black on screen.After extensive research i found out the Mobo and bios does not like this card from bfg.I called bfg they had no clue they just gave me a rma so i said no thanks i will send it back 2 newegg.I just sold it 2 a friend he said it was running good on his setup it must not be a dell.I bought a 7600GT from xfx its a vary good card runs faster then 7800gs i love it.This was not neweggs fault thay are the beast out there if you ask me Newegg rocks.:slight_smile:
Other Thoughts: I have had bfg before they have good cards most of the time its dell that is junk.Dell makes a good entry level computer thats it.

Pros: Other people are very happy with it. Best stats for an AGP card I saw in my research. Let me know if you’ve seen one better from another manufacturer.
Cons: If you’re running a 2 year old dell its likely to not even post a picture on the screen during boot up, regardless of if you meet min spec. No signal to monitor at all.

Pros: none
Cons: Incompatible. This item would not work with my MSI k8t neo2 -f (ms-6702e) mobo.
Other Thoughts: After several days of troubleshooting involving BIOS, VIA chipset drivers, BIOS settings, 2 new PSUs. I could not get this card to work in my computer. The card did work in another PC so be aware there may be hard ware conflicts with the VIA K8T 800 Pro chipset.

Then I’ve been reading a lot of this:

i also bought the BFG 7800 gs to replace my 6800 oc when i got it home and pluged it in it would start to boot up then go to a blank screen so i tried reseating vid card a few time and even switch to different vid drivers to no help at all. so i took my vid card back to store told them it doesn’t work they exchanged it. i got home with another new 7800 gs and pluged it in to have the very same problem with it. so i took it back and exchanged it for even another one. got home pluged it in and had the same problem. now i was very very pissed off. so i went and reinstalled my OS my window xp pro and guess what it worked.

Well, I ran killdisk reinstalled windows xp and guess what ? IT WORKS ! Thanks . Now I am downloading my games to see how it does.

Reformat and it will fix…i had to do it with mine as I had the same problem.

NO, just NO. This does not and will never work. you cannot take out a video card and put in a new one and just expect it to work. Unless, of course, its the same model card.

Try this, put the old card back in, install the drivers for the new card, then put the new card in. Video cards cannot be hot-swapped, or swapped at all without uninstalling the old drivers then installing the new drivers.

Both cards use 93.71_forceware_winxp2k_english_whql. :confused: Thats why I didn’t bother to uninstall the old drivers. I will do that though and give it a try.

Thanks for the replies so far guys, much appreciated.

Typically in this case the best option might be:

A. Put the old card in
B. Disable the standard driver and manually set windows up to use a generic VGA driver
C. Uninstall the forceware drivers
D. Put new card in.
E. Install video card.
F. Try to install using provided driver first, if that works then try installing a newer one.

I was having problems with my vid card. My problem ended up being the drivers. Not the same problem, but drivers is a good place to start. But from reading all the other comments that you found… seems that a format will do the trick. So start backing up and format :slight_smile:

Typically this problem is going to be a driver issue. Just as stated above, any update on if you got it working?

nice AGP card :tup:

werd… probably your best bet… you may want to try changing your screen refresh rate, although I dont see why the 6800 would support refresh rates that the 7800 wouldnt

but as stated, not sure why it’s not working if you’re using the latest forceware drivers… shit, I didnt have a problem when I went from my 9700pro to the 7800gs (didnt pre-uninstall the drivers)

yeah I’ve done numerous video card upgrades personal and customer based and I’ve never had problems with the 7800 series.

Well guys, I tried everything, nothing worked. Did a format and the card works great. No problems recognizing it at all.

windoze is wack. glad you got it working.

yeah thats weird that you had to re-format. It should have taken a standard driver and allowed you to reset. But ah well.