IT Guys

lol. If it’s not my slot, it’s my cable/adapter. Definitely not my LCD TV as my XBox has been fine this entire time as well as TV.

I’d have to look, but I don’t think my Samsung LCD TV has DVI. I’ll have to look. Maybe I should upgrade to full DVI if it does lol.

Yeah. I might just upgrade to i7/i9 anyway soon, so that’ll take the board out of the equation. I’m thinking it’s the board being flaky for sure, because when the problem happened my PC popped and I smelt electrical smoke. But it’s been fine the last couple of hours after getting the video card back from MSI after it’s RMA. The smell was coming from the video card, so it’s possible it took something with it on the board.

I tried wiggling the cable to no avail yesterday when it first happen. I just let it run and it eventually it cleared up all by itself.