It Runs!

Originally posted by Shaggy
when you sit in it, should resovle that problem. :smiley:
fuck you bitch, i lost 6 lbs this week… atkins diet mother fucker!

Any “diet” that tells you a bacon, mayo and Crisco sandwich (hold the bread of course) is healthy for you is full of shit.

Originally posted by getatme11
Any “diet” that tells you a bacon, mayo and Crisco sandwich (hold the bread of course) is healthy for you is full of shit.

is that why i lost 6 lbs in a week?

Well you’re gonna lose weight now, but your heart and arteries aren’t gonna be too happy with you after a few years of that diet. Think about it, nothing about the food you eat has changed, you changed WHAT you eat. If a diet says eating 5 pounds of raw bacon is healthy and you believe it, more power to ya. I just hate that people are trying to make it a lifestyle and instead of being a little overweight they’re gonna die from a stroke or heart attack. Sure, the diet is great for now, until something else rolls along. And besides, if you died of a heart attack tomorrow, who would be here to put “this thread sucks” all over the boards? :cool:

Originally posted by getatme11
Well you’re gonna lose weight now, but your heart and arteries aren’t gonna be too happy with you after a few years of that diet. Think about it, nothing about the food you eat has changed, you changed WHAT you eat. If a diet says eating 5 pounds of raw bacon is healthy and you believe it, more power to ya. I just hate that people are trying to make it a lifestyle and instead of being a little overweight they’re gonna die from a stroke or heart attack. Sure, the diet is great for now, until something else rolls along. And besides, if you died of a heart attack tomorrow, who would be here to put “this thread sucks” all over the boards? :cool:
my heart doctor says it not bad!!!doesnt tell me to get on it,but also dont tell me not to!!!:smiley: he just says lose weight fatass!!!:frowning:

Originally posted by getatme11
Well you’re gonna lose weight now, but your heart and arteries aren’t gonna be too happy with you after a few years of that diet. Think about it, nothing about the food you eat has changed, you changed WHAT you eat. If a diet says eating 5 pounds of raw bacon is healthy and you believe it, more power to ya. I just hate that people are trying to make it a lifestyle and instead of being a little overweight they’re gonna die from a stroke or heart attack. Sure, the diet is great for now, until something else rolls along. And besides, if you died of a heart attack tomorrow, who would be here to put “this thread sucks” all over the boards? :cool:

i dont think he was serious :tounge:

Originally posted by 1320
fuck you bitch, i lost 6 lbs this week… atkins diet mother fucker!


i lost a few pounds a month or so ago, but ever since i went on my “eat whatever the hell i want” diet the weight loss has been slowed considerably…


i need to find some people down here to go to the gym with.

Originally posted by Darkstar

i lost a few pounds a month or so ago, but ever since i went on my “eat whatever the hell i want” diet the weight loss has been slowed considerably…


i need to find some people down here to go to the gym with.
Probably want some big hairy guys to lift with, silly faggot.:greddy: :wackit:

Originally posted by sonic03snake
Probably want some big hairy guys to lift with, silly faggot.:greddy: :wackit:

nah, i like em clean shaven…

Originally posted by Darkstar
nah, i like em clean shaven…
:zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

Originally posted by Pewterss
:zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :zzz:

or naturally bald… :naughty:

Originally posted by Darkstar
or naturally bald… :naughty:

actually i was serious about the diet… although i have to say i havent been eating many “bacon, mayo, and crisco” sandwiches. Basically I try to eat a bunch of salad, meats and cheeses. Obviously you dont wanna only eat chicken wings and bacon. But im kinda impressed with it seeing as how im down to 243 lbs now.

Originally posted by 1320
actually i was serious about the diet… although i have to say i havent been eating many “bacon, mayo, and crisco” sandwiches. Basically I try to eat a bunch of salad, meats and cheeses. Obviously you dont wanna only eat chicken wings and bacon. But im kinda impressed with it seeing as how im down to 243 lbs now.

thats pretty cool man. Ive always wanted to try that atkinds diet, but i’d would feel likea raging faggot ordering a burger with no bread.

ive been eating a lot of salads and lean cuisine type microwave dinners lately. they are decent cheap meals, some of them arent half bad too, like turkey with gravey and mashed potatoes. They have like 6 grams of fat. :cool:

i hope to be down to around 240-250 by summertime.

kolar is sticken to that diet…sat… night we all went out and he was drinkin “diet” coke and jack… and then @ 3 am when we went to eat n park he only had eggs and bacon and cheese… good job kolar get skinny… ohh yea i think sailor had eggs too. it was hard to tell as he was barfing all over the parking lot… aghhh what a good night

There is only 1 diet that actually works - eat less and exercise more.

Atkins, South Beach, etc… are good for now but as soon as you get to your weight and start eating normal again, you’ll blow back up.


I’m on a diet too. Yuengling 6 nights a week for like the last 3 months or soo. I think I’m starting to have serious drinking problems. Although it seems that I am starting to put on some weight though. Anyone else ever go through this where you drink basically everyday and don’t even think twice about it. :beer: :eek:

Originally posted by 2kaltima
There is only 1 diet that actually works - eat less and exercise more.

Atkins, South Beach, etc… are good for now but as soon as you get to your weight and start eating normal again, you’ll blow back up.

when i lost my weight, i would be in the gym about 2 hrs a day, 250 situps a day, and worked up to running 4 miles a night.

i would have dry cereal for breakfast, DRINK TONS OF ICE COLD WATER!!! you will feel bloated and have to piss 900 times a day but it will help in the long run. i would eat 2 apples and a nutri grain bar for lunch. and for dinner i would eat rice and a plain chicken breast and a sald with no bacon bits, chesse, egg, croutons etc… and low fat dressing.


it sucks for the first week or 2 because you are shrinking your food intake so it doesnt fill your stomach so you kinda get some pains and discomfort. but from lifting and running about a mile or 2 a day with that food plan i lost arouns 20 lb in 2 weeks.

i was 230, and in about 4 or 5 months i was down to 170

good luck kolar

Originally posted by vtecsol
kolar is sticken to that diet…sat… night we all went out and he was drinkin “diet” coke and jack… and then @ 3 am when we went to eat n park he only had eggs and bacon and cheese… good job kolar get skinny… ohh yea i think sailor had eggs too. it was hard to tell as he was barfing all over the parking lot… aghhh what a good night

i hear the diet cokes…good job kolar.
atkins will not last long. do cut the carbs out, but not all. i lost 24lbs in 3 months doing nothing but diet. and i eat as much as most people here maybe more, went from 200 to 177.

when caveman was put on this earth , there was no pop, bread, sugar , baked goods ,cake ect…just protein , fruit & veg. we ate what we could catch and kill or grow.that is how bodys work.