Wish me luck...

Going to go load my tune and see if this thing will run!

I didnt touch it, so its gonna run :blue:

Yeahhhhhhh!!! Started up first try, good oil pressure, it idles, didn’t overheat, and didn’t throw any codes. I can’t believe after changing so many parts all at once that this thing actually runs.

this may just be me but this is not a statement you want to hear coming from a mechanical engineer. :smiley:

go take it around the block

Daughter’s basketball game first, and I have to wrap up a few things, like the new cold air intake needs screwed down, check tranny fluid, put the hood on, blah blah.

Ha ha. I guess I shouldn’t tell my boss, “Wow, I can’t believe this pressure vessel that I said was good didn’t explode.”

congrats,wanta race befor i rip out my motor?:smiley:

congrads jeff!!! get a sound clip now!!!

did you put a cam in there? make sure you do a cam break in if you did,

hydrulic roller cams dont need broke in like flat tappet cams

Yeah I put a cam in. I ran it for about 20 minutes between 1500-2000 rpm, now I’m going to change the oil. Have to do a bunch of lockups on the torque converter now.

Here you go. It’s only 7 seconds long because my eyes started to burn from the fumes!


Right Click save as.

sounds good :cool:

Sounds good!!!

sounds good,thanks for the back shot!:smiley:

Took it for a little spin. Have a slight rattle to track down (exhaust?), but no other problems.

Set off a car alarm when I picked up my daughter from CCD at church. :smiley:

glad to see everything works

congrats Jeff… i wanna go for a ride