It's 3 am..

And I’m fucking bored at work. :zzz: 2 more hours to go.

im thinking of goin to sleep myself

5am? Sissy. All the real men work till 8am

Which is not me tonight. I think laying down on my nice soft bed with my cool, fluffy pillows is definately in my near future.


almost 5:30m fawkers

yup. nighty night.

real men have day jobs & on call 24/7

full time dads are on call 24/7. :bigthumb:

so whats call list???

well it’s 1:36pm on saturday and i’m at work…

weekendwork > salary


i have been at work since 8 sonny!!! OT roxors my boxors!!!

i used to get OT… it was clutch… now it’s just my ‘duty’ :tounge:

5:33 and i just got home from reserves…